About the Book
Let Your Tears Flow provides hope for anyone frustrated with a lack of answers for their symptoms, conditions and repetitive life challenges. Do you experience unexplainable fears; feelings of grief, anger or shame; addictions; relationship challenges; anxiety or depression; burnout or chronic health conditions? These are some of the ways that descendants carry transgenerational trauma for their ancestors. This book reflects upon how to recognize the transgenerational trauma you might be carrying for your parents, grandparents and ancestors, and provides body focused ways to address it. If you repeatedly explore different medical treatments, therapies or alternative healing techniques, yet remain stuck in life in some way; there is a strong likelihood that you are entangled with someone or something in your family system that is emotionally unresolved. My family system had plenty of transgenerational trauma to address and yours might too. War, immigration, displacement, family tragedy, birth trauma, adoption, exclusion or religious persecution are some of the transgenerational trauma experiences that transmit from generation to generation. Silence is a profound carrier of transgenerational trauma in many family systems. If you know very little about your ancestors, then the transgenerational trauma has likely been silenced. Family secrets or traumatizing experiences that are silenced take on a life of their own. They live on in the unconscious body of family members waiting to be addressed. The impact on living generations becomes more powerful with each generation of silence. This book is a compilation of blog entries (aka small essays) on topics of transgenerational trauma and systemic healing. It engages with the insight that is found through systemic and family constellations, emphasizing the need for energetic body focused systemic healing approaches. It is the second in a series of books that will be made available shortly on numerous systemic healing topics. Our ancestors didn't have access to the knowledge about systemic healing that we are developing today. What the ancestors suppressed emotionally, going on stoically as if everything was fine, may be a template for your life. Any transgenerational trauma or inherited trauma that you don't address may be passed down to your children and grandchildren through their pre- and perinatal experiences, epigenetically, through collective memory or culturally in the cells of their body. Most of you carry either subtle or blatant unresolved family emotional wounds or trauma as energetic entanglements and it may be holding you back in life. You may be surprised to learn that you unconsciously sacrificed yourself out of love and loyalty for your greater family system to carry a wound, trauma or imbalance that needed to be acknowledged, addressed and healed. This book covers topics such as what it means to be drawn to the dead, energetic separation from the dead, when a child is born to a woman in mourning, former intimate partners, energetic impact of parent separation on children, adopted children, the death of a twin, immigration, living life fully, Eastern European family and community dynamics and epigenetics. We desire healthy emotional response patterns and ways to quickly work through our emotional issues and the issues we carry for our ancestors. This book provides examples of transgenerational trauma and systemic healing for the walking wounded, all the healers and helpers of the world, the victims and perpetrators, the colonized and colonizers, the genealogists who continue to search and the many clients and patients who go from practitioner to practitioner searching for answers. Let Your Tears Flow was written for you and I, and for our children and grandchildren.
About the Author: Patricia Kathleen Robertson www.peacefulpossibilities.ca Patricia Robertson brings a diverse background to the field of transgenerational trauma, seeking to understand the trauma that passes from one generation to the next in family systems and societies. She is currently a candidate in the Doctor of Social Sciences program at Royal Roads University in Victoria, BC, Canada researching transgenerational trauma and how a lack of inner peace keeps people from creating greater peace in the world. Her interest in transgenerational phenomena came by naturally. At age twelve, Patricia inherited the role of seannachaidh - the family genealogist and storyteller - from her maternal and paternal grandmothers. She continues to engage with dozens of lines of her own family system, embracing traditional, emotional and genetic genealogy. Her attention was inherently drawn to the trauma in family systems resulting from immigration, war, religious persecution, oppression and family tragedy. Gathering with Indigenous and non-Indigenous Canadians for a decade, Patricia became aware of the inner woundedness of both the First Peoples on the land and the Settlers - the immigrants. She wanted to understand the emotional healing work needed to address the transgenerational trauma legacy of colonization and immigration. Through Royal Roads University, she completed her master's research project entitled Healing the Personal Wounds of Colonization: Utilizing Third Party Consultation to Transform Canada's Post-Residential School Societal Conflict. Through the University of Calgary, Patricia completed an earlier BCom, working for 18 years as a professional accountant in the energy sector, and a BA(Hon) in Religious Studies researching Eastern, Western and synergistic folk religions throughout the world. Beginning study on the religions of the world on September 11, 2001 (9/11) was synchronistic. Patricia completed an Honour's thesis entitled The Rise of Pentecostalism in Latin America: A Study of Conversion, Politics, and the Dark Secrets within Contemporary Bolivia. Concurrently, she followed her passion and researched the spiritual and cultural practices, ritual and ceremony within Indigenous communities throughout North, Central and South America. She recently completed a journal article entitled Pentecostalism in Bolivia for Religions of the World. Encyclopedia of Latin American Religions for publication by Springer. Patricia gained a broad understanding of trauma through her own adult life experiences, including: intimate relationships, pregnancy and birthing, many deaths within her inner circle, workplace discrimination and raising three sons with diverse physical, emotional and educational challenges related to transgenerational trauma. Patricia works as an Integrative Wellness Practitioner through Peaceful Possibilities Consulting, guiding clients from around the world through the unresolved transgenerational trauma of their family systems. She trained with many first and second generation world renowned systemic, family, organizational and nature constellation facilitators, and leading professionals in numerous energetic and integrative body practices. Patricia has travelled to 63 countries experiencing the richness and diversity of cultures around the world, gaining a strong background in the contextual nature of systemic healing and transgenerational trauma. This book is Patricia's way of integrating and sharing what she learned while transforming the transgenerational trauma she carried for her own family system.