About the Book
1 PlenaryTalks, T. Kobayashi, Topics on global analysis of manifolds and representation theory of reductive groups.- T. Kobayashi and B. Speh, A hidden symmetry of a branching law.- I. Todorov, Exceptional quantum algebra for the standard model of particle physics.- M. de Leeuw, B. Eden, D. le Plat, and T. Meier, Polylogarithms from the bound state S-matrix.- M. Henkel and S. Stoimenov, Meta-conformal invariance and their covariant correlation functions.- I. L. Buchbinder, S. Fedoruk, A.P. Isaev, Infinite spin particles and super particles.- E. Ivanov, Supersymmetric Calogero-type models via gauging in superspace.- I. Kostov, The Octagon form factor in N = 4SYM and free fermions.- P. Phillips and G. La Nave, Nother's second theorem as an obstruction to charge quantization.- G. W. Semenoff, Entanglement and the Infrared.- A.V. Smilga, Comments on the Newlander-Nirenberg theorem.- N.I. Stoilova and J. Van der Jeugt, A class of representations of the orthosymplectic Lie superalgebras B(n, n) and B(∞,∞).- K. Yoshida, Recent progress on Yang-Baxter deformation and generalized supergravity.- G. Manolakos, P. Manousselis and G. Zoupanos, Gauge Theories on Fuzzy Spaces and Gravity.- String Theories and Gravity Theories, D. Benisty, E. Guendelman, A. Kaganovich, E. Nissimov, and S. Pacheva, Modified Gravity Theories Based on the Non-Canonical Volume-Form Formalism.- A. Marrani, Non-linear symmetries in Maxwell-Einstein gravity: from Freudenthal duality to pre-homogeneous vector spaces.- H. Partouche and B. de Vaulchier, Phase transitions at high supersymmetry breaking scale in string theory.- F. Riccioni, Exotic branes and exotic dualities in supergravity.- H. Dimov, R.C. Rashkov and T. Vetsov, Thermodynamic information geometry and applications in holography.- D. Staicova, The role of the slope in the multi-measure cosmological model.- D. Benisty, E.I. Guendelman and J. Struckmeier, Gauge theory of gravity based on the correspondence between the 1st and the 2nd order formalisms.- 3 IntegrableSystems, C. Burdik and O. Navratil, Nested Bethe Ansatz for RTT-algebra of Uq(sp(2n)) type.- O. Vaneeva, O. Magda and A. Zhalij, Equivalence groupoid and enhanced group classification of a class of generalized Kawahara equations.- C. Rim, Interplay between minimal gravity and intersection theory.- Y. Ohkubo, Generalized Macdonald functions, AGT correspondence and intertwiners of DIM algebra.- 4 Representation Theory, W. M. McGovern, Closures of K-orbits in the flag variety for Sp(2n, R).- I. Smilga, Action of the restricted Weyl group on the L-invariant vectors of a representation.- E. Ongong'a, J. Ongaro, S. Silvestrov, Hom-Lie structures on complex 4-dimensional Lie algebras.- V.K. Dobrev, Multiplet classification and invariant differential operators over the Lie algebra F′4.- A. Langlois-Remillard and R. Oste, An exceptional symmetry algebra for the 3D Dirac-Dunkl operator.- J. Hrivnak and L. Motlochova, Graphene dots via discretizations of Weyl-orbit functions.- T. Hayashi, A construction of (g, K)-modules over commutative rings.- I. Barza and D. Ghisa, Lie groups actions on non orientable Klein surface.- 5 Quantum Groups and Deformations, T. Popov, Quantum diagonal algebra and pseudo-plactic algebra.- M. Nesterenko and S. Posta, Contractions of realizations.- P. Back, Multi-parameter formal deformations of ternary hom-Nambu-Lie algebras.- 6 Applications to Quantum Theory, S. Stoimenov and M. Henkel, Meta-conformal invariance in the directed Glauber-Ising chain.- I. Salom and V. Dmitrasinovic, Relativistic three-body harmonic oscillator.- J. Mashford, An introduction to spectral regularization for quantum field theory.- M. Hewitt, Relative quantum states, observations and moduli stacks.- M. Blasone, P. Jizba and L. Smaldone, Dynamical generation of flavour vacuum.- O.C. Stoica, A representation of the wave-function on 3-dimensional space.- Various Mathematical Results, J. Fullwood, On a Grothendieck-Brieskorn relation for ellipt