Abortion is a scourge on our world, perpetuated by a skewed understanding of love and freedom. The result has been over 62 million lives lost in the United States alone since 1973. Each of these lives is an untold story.
It is time for them to speak. In Life to the Full, Abby Johnson and Tyler Rowley have collected twenty-three harrowing personal accounts that demonstrate the evil of abortion and, more crucially, the power of life.
In the midst of the fight against the culture of death, it is love, mercy, and miracles that serve as our oxygen, keeping so many determined to bring abortion to an end. The best method of winning hearts is the telling of stories--true stories. Life to the Full shares lived human experiences in order to breathe new life into the abortion fight and raise up a next generation of men and women committed to protecting the unborn.
"This is the book I want supporters of legal abortion to read," writes editor Abby Johnson. "Page after page will reveal the certainty that it is never okay to kill an innocent human being, and that in order for our nation to know peace, there must be peace in the womb." This book will inspire those already committed to the cause of life, and make abortion advocates second-guess their convictions.
About the Author: Abby Johnson, a former manager of a Planned Parenthood clinic in Texas, converted to the pro-life cause after witnessing an ultrasound-guided abortion. An active speaker, she is the founder of ProLove Ministries and the organization And Then There Were None, which assists abortion clinic workers in transitioning out of the industry. She is the author of the best-selling books Unplanned and Fierce Mercy, as well as the editor of The Walls Are Talking.
Tyler Rowley, husband, father, and entrepreneur, serves as the president of Servants of Christ for Life, which defends unborn children through politics, media, and pro-life activism. He is a graduate from Brown University where he studied political science. He is the editor of Because of Our Fathers.