About the Book
This world is a beautiful place, with beautiful people, with beautiful cultures and norms. I see two giant elephants struggling everyday for domination of the scarce natural resources, and for power. And when two giant elephants struggle or fight, it is the grass (that is, the ordinary poor people, like in Africa) that suffers! Who are these two giant elephants? They are China and the United States. Please meet with people, make friends, love, respect other people's culture and norms and cherish other people's ways of doing things, try other people's food, experience other people's cultures and live in harmony with one another. I spent the first twenty years of my life traveling all over Africa, and the other twenty years of my life in the United States, Europe and Asia. This is my observation for the past forty years or so. I learn over the years you cannot force people to do anything against their wish. It is through reason, begging, cajoling, justice, and sometimes appealing to emotion, by crying, using children and women to plead and beg others to listen to reason, that you can get people to see reason and do what is right, morally and legally. Not war. (Please see my book: "The War in Libya is wrong"!). I love the people in Europe. Europe is a product of history, unlike the United States that is a product of philosophy, (the idea of freedom). The people in Europe are beautiful people. The people in Europe are good people. The people of Europe are very smart people. The continent of Europe has had so many wars in the past. I thought they would be tired of wars by now. I was wrong. Now, there is a new war in Libya, championed first by the United States, and now Europe or NATO just took over the Libya war. USA & EU have good intentions: doing the best they can to save humankind. Why Libya, though? The same thing happening in Libya is happening in Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, almost everywhere in the Arab world, and perhaps, very soon, the poor people in the world will start a revolution in all countries in the world. Is war the answer to the plight of the poor and the problems all over the world? There are earthquakes and tsunamis in Japan, Haiti, Katrina (in the USA), South America, Africa, China, Australia, in fact, catastrophe in every corner of the globe. Is war the answer? Or is war compounding everything? Well, time will tell. On the other hand of the equation is China. While Europe and United States are squandering their wealth and natural resources in wars and conflicts, China is busy accumulating wealth and improving every aspect of the Chinese economy, amidst human rights abuse with impunity. China and India have more than two billion people. Land is scarce in both countries. Natural resource is very scarce in both China and India, and the demand for natural resource, and/or food far exceeds the supply. What is going to happen in India and China? Well, time will tell. Suffice to say right now there are sweat shops in China and India, and in all poor countries, with the poor people working all day and night for pennies, amidst diseases, hunger, starvation, wars, conflicts and natural disasters. I can tell you there is global revolution looming. Trust me. China is a great country. I love Chinese people, really! I love everything that is China. I love Chinese cultures, food, traditions and norms. I love the United States of America for policing the world to do good things and to do what is right legally and morally, however, racism is perhaps legal in the United States. Nonetheless, the United States is a place to be anytime. The United States has the best security for your life. But...those motherfucker assholes, jackass, stupid, dumb ass bitch! Fuck you all, assholes! As you can see here, the English Language is my second language. I am not very good at it. My first language is Itsekiri, one of the smallest tribes in the world. In Itsekiri language we say: Aja mo kiagha oo, which means: greetings to the world