About the Book
365 Quotes to Be Happy, Healthy, and Wise
The Little Book of Success Quotes has been selected as an Award-Winning Finalist in the Self-Help: Journals & Quotes category of the 2012 International Book Awards.
"The greatest things ever done on Earth have been done little by little."
William Jennings Bryan
"And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition."
Steve Jobs
"You will succeed if you persevere; and you will find joy in overcoming obstacles."
Helen Keller
"The secret of success is consistency of purpose."
The Little Book of Success Quotes provides 365 unforgettable quotes that show how to start on a path and live the life that you have imagined. The book shares the secrets of success from more than 100 classic authors including Dale Carnegie, Albert Einstein, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Benjamin Franklin, Steve Jobs, Helen Keller, Eleanor Roosevelt, Mark Twain, and more.
These quotes have stood the test of time and each can be used for inspiration, motivation, or encouragement. Divided into twelve chapters including "Aim High," "Follow Your Heart," "Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise," "The Journey," "Little by Little," "Overcoming Obstacles," and "Simplify," there are inspiring quotes for every month and for each day of the year. The book also includes a success checklist as well as a success journal to keep track of special goals and accomplishments.
Classic. Simple. Inspiration.
About the Author:
Kathleen Welton is an advocate for animals and wildlife as well as an award-winning editor and publisher.
Her publishing career has spanned nearly 40 years and she has had the opportunity to work with many wonderful authors to create best-selling books-from business and finance to legal and lifestyle.
She has served as Director of Book Publishing for the American Bar Association, Director for H&R Block, VP & Publisher for IDG Books, VP & Publisher for Dearborn Trade, Senior Editor for Dow Jones-Irwin, Editor for Praeger Publishers, and Editor and Sales Representative for D. Van Nostrand.
She is the editor of The Little Book of Gratitude Quotes, The Little Book of Quotes by Women, The Little Book of Success Quotes, and The Little Journal of Gratitude. She is co-editor of 100 Essential Modern Poems by Women and co-author of Poetry for Beginners.
Kathleen graduated from Stanford University with a BA in both English and Italian Literature (with honors). She is a member of Cap & Gown, the Stanford Women's Leadership Organization and she served as president as an undergraduate.
She currently publishes books that inspire the spirit, relax the mind, and focus on fun at aka Associates and she is an advocate for animal rescue and wildlife groups that support cats, dogs, elephants, giraffes, horses, and rhinos.