Part I Several hepatic progenitor cells:
1) Purification and Culture of Fetal Mouse Hepatoblasts that are Precursors of Mature Hepatocytes and Biliary Epithelial Cells
Nobuyoshi Shiojiri and Miho Nitou
2) Clinical Uses of Liver Stem Cells
Yock Young Dan
3) Identification and Isolation of Adult Liver Stem/Progenitor Cells
Minoru Tanaka and Atsushi Miyajima
4) Isolation and Purification Method of Mouse Fetal Hepatoblasts
Luc Gailhouste
5) Isolation of Hepatic Progenitor Cells from the Galactosamine-Treated Rat Liver
Norihisa Ichinohe, Junko Kon, Toshihiro Mitaka
II. Hepatic differentiation form stem cells:
6) Purification of Adipose Tissue Mesenchymal Stem cells (AT-MSC) and Differentiation Towards Hepatic-Like Cells
Agnieszka Banas
7) Development of Immortalized Hepatocyte-like Cell from hMSC
Adisak Wongkajornsilp, Khanit Sa-ngiamsuntorn, Suradej Hongeng,
8) Isolation of Adult Human Pluripotent Stem Cells from Mesenchymal Cell Populations and their Application to Liver Damages
Shohei Wakao, Masaaki Kitada, Yasumasa Kuroda, Mari Dezawa
9) Generation and Hepatic Differentiation of Human iPS Cells
Tetsuya Ishikawa, Keitaro Hagiwara, and Takahiro Ochiya
10) Efficient Hepatic Differentiation from Human iPS cells by Gene Transfer
Kenji Kawabata, Mitsuru Inamura & Hiroyuki Mizuguchi
11) "Tet-On" System Toward Hepatic Differentiation of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells by Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor
Goshi Shiota, Yoko Yoshida, Noriko Matsumoto, Yoshiko Hoshikawa
12) SAMe and HuR in Liver Physiology Usefulness of Stem Cells in Hepatic Differentiation Research
Laura Gomez-Santos, Mercedes Vazquez-Chantada, Jose Maria Mato and Maria Luz Martinez-Chantar.
Part III BD formation from stem cells:
13) Transdifferentiation of Mature Hepatocytes into Bile Duct Cells within a Collagen Gel Matrix
Yuji Nishikawa
Part IV. Liver stem cells and hepatocarcinogenesis:
14) Identification of Cancer Stem Cell-Related MicroRNAs in Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Junfang Ji and Xin Wei Wang
Part V. Application of liver stem cells for cell therapy:
15) Intravenous Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSC) Transplantation in NOD/SCID Mice Preserve Liver Integrity of Irradiation Damage
Moubarak Mouiseddine, Sabine François, Maâmar Souidi and Alain Chapel
16) Engineering of Implantable Liver Tissues
Y. Sakai, M. Nishikawa, F. Evenou, M. Hamon, H. Huang, K. P. Montagne, N. Kojima, T. Fujii and T. Niino
17) Mesenchymal Stem Cell Therapy on Murine Model of Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis
Yoshio Sakai, Shuichi Kaneko
3) Identification and Isolation of Adult Liver Stem/Progenitor Cells
Minoru Tanaka and Atsushi Miyajima
4) Isolation and Purification Method of Mouse Fetal Hepatoblasts
Luc Gailhouste
5) Isolation of Hepatic Progenitor Cells from the Galactosamine-Treated Rat Liver
Norihisa Ichinohe, Junko Kon, Toshihiro Mitaka
II. Hepatic differentiation form stem cells:
6) Purification of Adipose Tissue Mesenchymal Stem cells (AT-MSC) and Differentiation Towards Hepatic-Like Cells
Agnieszka Banas
7) Development of Immortalized Hepatocyte-like Cell from hMSC