Future now depends only on a single woman, who has embarked upon a dangerous journey to save this world from death and the great drought. Love will be her sword and hope her shield.
Not very far from where I stand lies the most fabulous thing you can imagine, and every single book you have read fails to describe it. Forget about them. Instead, listen to me; me, the one who has carried it next to his heart, the one who has contemplated it for hours, never getting tired of its beauty. It is an artifact that could grant you all the power you have always dreamed of. Who could oppose you if you had it in your hands? Who would dare go against your wishes? Who would want to stand in your way?
Nobody, of course. You'll be the master of this world. Isn't that what everybody wants? Isn't that what you want?
Don't worry, nothing to be ashamed of, it's perfectly natural; you're entitled to live your life as you see fit. But now please hear me on this: unlike you, there are some who wish for no power and no glory. These extraordinary beings are capable of breaking you out of the monotony of dry days and cold nights; they are bliss among so much darkness and ambition.
Such is the case with the woman who decided to keep going in spite of everything. You know, that innocent sweet woman, the only one who stayed, the last survivor.
I know, maybe it's a little foolish of her to think that she could use the artifact to save these lands from the great drought, especially considering that by now the only things that still survive are an animal here and a little plant there. I don't see how she could accomplish that. Besides, if you ask me, I don't even think she is going to get the sacred artifact.
Due to this there is a need to dissuade her, not to let her taste the same poison as all those knaves who had failed in their quest. I'll pay her a visit tomorrow. I'll do my best to convince her; yes, I have my best words ready, my arguments are incontestable, I'll succeed. I promise!