Ayurveda comprises more than mere administration of medicine. Yoga,
pranayama and dhyana are prominently associated with Ayurveda and have received
scientific acceptance. They have become almost a rage among the Westerners.Unani
is another system of medicine which was introduced into India by the Arab invaders.
Probably the Arabs received this knowledge from the Greeks. Mogul history is
replete with the contributions made by the Unani medical practitioners. A close
examination of past Indian history will show that unani thrives as an alternative
system of medicine in India even today.
If we look into the ancient Indian history it will reveal the fact that people
looked for health care only in the alternative system of medicine, Ayurveda. This was
but natural because they were not exposed to the allopathic medicine till the British
started importing medicines and health care management services from the West.
Perhaps the big invasion of Western medicine into India came with the discovery of
Penicillin, an antibiotic to fight infectious diseases.
In the post independent period, commencing with the first five-year plan the
government has laid emphasis on the development of the ancient systems of
alternative medicine with required budgetary allocations. This, not only envisaged
keeping ancient practice of Ayurveda alive but also to make it "affordable to the
masses". Reviewing the practice and popularity of alternative system of medicine in
India, we can state that this system, even today, is cost effective and employment
oriented, giving relief to a lot of people directly and indirectly sustaining their