ToC Preface
Chapter 1. Carbonate species and pH.
Chapter 2. Dissolved Organic matter
Chapter 3. Trace metals.
Chapter 4. Radionuclides as ocean tracers.
Chapter 5. Persistent organic contaminants.
Chapter 6. Emergent organic contaminants.
Chapter 7. Nanoparticles in the marine environment
Chapter 8. Microplastics and Nanoplastics.
Chapter 9. Remote sensing: Satellite and RPAS (Remotely Piloted Aircraft System)
Chapter 10. In-Situ sensing: Ocean glider
Chapter 11. Marine chemical (meta-)data management
About the Author: Julián Blasco is a Research Professor and the Director of the Institute for Marine Sciences of Andalusia from the Spanish Research Council (ICMAN-CSIC), and leader of the research group "Ecotoxicology, Ecophysiology and Biodiversity of Aquatic Systems". He was President of the Iberoamerican Society of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, and a member of the SETAC Europe Council. Dr. Blasco has been involved in 60+ research projects and 22 research contracts at national and international levels, and has published 200+ scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals. He is associate editor of several journals (e.g. Science of the Total Environment and Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, among others). He has also contributed to several book chapters, and co-edited the book Sunscreens in Coastal Ecosystems: Occurrence, Behavior, Effect and Risk, published by Springer in 2020.
Antonio Tovar-Sánchez is a Senior Scientist leading the Marine Chemistry lab at the Institute for Marine Sciences of Andalusia from the Spanish Research Council (ICMAN-CSIC). In the past 20 years, his main research focused on the role of trace elements in the sea, mainly metals and inorganic nutrients, attending their sources, fluxes, distribution and biological impact, and their sensitivity to changing environmental conditions. His recent scientific efforts have focused on the impact of anthropogenic activities on the coastal ecosystem, as is the case of tourism, mainly in the effect of emerging pollutants. He is member of the Spanish State Research Agency (AEI) in the area of marine science (since 2018 to date) and he represents Spain in the international programme GEOTRACES as part of the scientific steering committee and in the marine working group of the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC). He has published 100+ peer-reviewed article, and co-edited the book Sunscreens in Coastal Ecosystems: Occurrence, Behavior, Effect and Risk, published by Springer in 2020.