Introductory chapter
1. A sea of microbes: What's so special about marine microbiology
Lucas J. Stal
PART I: Diversity and Evolution of Marine Microorganisms
2. Survival in a sea of gradients: Bacterial and archaeal foraging in a heterogeneous ocean
Estelle E. Clerc, Jean-Baptiste Raina, François J. Peaudecerf, Justin R. Seymour and Roman Stocker
3. Marine cyanobacteria
Fred Partensky, Wolfgang R. Hess and Laurence Garczarek
4. Marine protists: A hitchhiker's guide to their role in the marine microbiome
Charles Bachy, Elisabeth Hehenberger, Yu-Chen Ling, David M. Needham, Jan Strauss, Susanne Wilken and Alexandra Worden
5. Marine fungi
Gaetan Burgaud, Virginia Edgcomb, Brandon T. Hassett, Abhishek Kumar, Wei Li, Paraskevi Mara, Xuefeng Peng, Aurélie Philippe, Pradeep Phule, Soizic Prado, Maxence Quéméner and Catherine Roullier
6. Marine viruses: agents of chaos, promoters of order
Marcos Mateus
7. Evolutionary genomics of marine bacteria and archaea
Carolina A Martinez-Gutierrez and Frank Aylward
PART II: Marine Habitats
8. Towards a global perspective of the marine microbiome
Silvia Acinas, Marta Sebastián and Isabel Ferrera
9. The pelagic light-dependent microbiome
Julie LaRoche and Brent M. Robicheau
10. Microbial inhabitants of the dark ocean
Federico Baltar and Gerhard Herndl
11. The subsurface and oceanic crust prokaryotes
Mohamed Jebbar
12. The microbiome of coastal sediments
Graham Underwood, Alex J. Dumbrell, Terry J. McGenity, Boyd A. McKew and Corinne Whitby
13. Symbiosis in the ocean microbiome
Jonathan Zehr and David Caron
14. Marine extreme habitats
Maria Pachiadaki and Virginia Edgcomb
PART III: Marine Microbiome from Genomes to Phenomes: Biogeochemical Cycles, Networks, Fluxes, and Interaction
15. Marine biogeochemical cycles
Samantha Joye, Marshall W. Bowless and Kai Ziervogel
16. A holistic approach for the study of the role of microorganisms in the marine ecosystem
Gerard Muyzer and M. Silvia Cretoiu
17. The hidden treasure: marine microbiome as repository of bioactive compounds
Bathini Thissera, Ahmed M. Sayed, Hossam M. Hassan, Usama R. Abdelmohsen, Rainer Ebel, Marcel Jaspars and Mostafa Rateb
18. Ocean restoration and the strategic plan of the marine microbiome
Marieke Reuver, Jane Maher and Annette M. Wilson