The Marketer's Concise Guide to CRO covers tools, tactics and techniques to use Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) to gather more qualified leads for your sales team.
Intended both for career marketers and students of marketing, the Guide reviews a variety of A/B testing and related online tools with a number of resources compared. CRO tips are given. Success formulas are covered. Three exercises are presented to help readers learn to set measurable goals and brainstorm smart tests you can use right away to increase your marketing conversion results. Need to school your corporate team on ways to gather more qualified leads? Buy a copy for each person on your team and work they through the exercises. This is a concise book with practical tips from the trenches. Instructors of Marketing will also find the book useful as an adjunct and primer for this important sub discipline.
Praise for The Marketer's Concise Guide to CRO:
" I read, I took notes for a half dozen tests my clients deserve. Thanks, Scott, for the motivation and tools to be better at my job. - Joe Hage, CEO, Medical Marcom
"My biggest takeaway is the need to test every pitch, every call to action and every layout. Not even the most talented, experienced creatives know what will work and what won't. This book will make you rich." - Bob Leonard, Managing Consultant, acSellerant
"I'd recommend the CRO guide to anyone who wants to learn how to boost 'connections' with visitors. This guide will help you create more engaged readers and turn them into sales. In the end you will become a smarter marketer." - Bill Flitter, CEO,
"I now feel way more confident that we can improve our CRO efforts. The book is a solid read and a quick one as well. Highly recommended! - Jon Wuebben, CEO Content Launch
Joe Pulizzi, CEO of the Content Marketing Institute, and with whom the author worked closely for a number of years, writes in his Foreword that in "2016 Content Marketing Benchmark study, content marketing effectiveness actually went down year over year. Whether you are a B2B, B2C, nonprofit, small business, or large enterprise, effectiveness rates are less than 40 percent. One of the main reasons why is that organizations are publishing all over the place, without any real strategy or execution plan that works for business outcomes. And this is exactly why the book you are reading right now is so important..."
About the Author: Scott Frangos is a veteran A/B tester and CRO specialist with a long career in advertising, marketing and publishing. He is founder and president of Webdirexion LLC, an online marketing agency, and also a long-time college level instructor in the Portland, Oregon area. He also teaches online courses at COMP - the College of Online Marketing Pros. In the 90's Scott worked in corporate advertising, marketing and publishing and also recalls teaching "desktop publishing" using software then called Aldus PageMaker. He began building business websites in the latter part of that decade and worked for Microsoft and Office Depot on a project to introduce SaaS solutions for ecommerce. In the 2000's he continued working in site development, online advertising and taught webmastering, programming, Photoshop, ecommerce and business courses at local colleges and technical institutes. It was then, as the web matured that publishing and marketing, art and science offered up new ways to help businesses gather more leads and provide measurable results for ROI. It is at this intersection of disciplines where Scott has stayed focused in his marketing practice. Scott credits his publishing team with making this Guide concise but resourceful for modern marketers. The team on the CRO-Guide includes Margot Hall, Managing Editor; Whitney Beyer, Copy Editor; and Contributors Julie Hume, Miranda Booher, and Sherri Gutierrez. Scott has spoken at The Content Marketing Conference in Berkeley; the Web Visions Conference in Portland, OR; and taught for the Langley New Media Center in Washington State.