About the Book
How easy it is to fall in "Love"! But how hard it is to stay in till the end! Everybody falls in love. Even a so-called 'fool' falls in love. There are good falls in love as well as bad falls. Lustful and ungodly ways, and all the other ways we have fabricated and labeled 'Love" to satisfy our sinful fleshly desires and egos. We call all these feelings "Love", but most of the times, we have no clue of what we are talking about.
We easily fall in love but staying in love and building a strong and healthy home together where God dwells and is honored is becoming more and more precarious these days. Why? Because we have entangled ourselves with tons of pre-meditative mindsets, ungodly issues and non-Biblical claims which are ruining marriages and breaking hearts. And the children of God are not exempt.
At the present, lots of marriages are struggling to survive; some have already fallen apart, and others are just hanging on just to save their faces. Many issues are being swept under the rugs, issues such as infidelities, pornography, abuses of all forms, and all kinds of unhealthy behaviors. Unfortunately, the home, which should be a haven for families are now become boxing showcasing arenas, registering untold cruelty, physical, verbal, and emotional abuses.
Having been in the ministry for over 40years, I have participated in so many marriage ceremonies, be it traditional, religious, or just renewals. I have had the privilege of counseling countless couples of all calibers as well. In my own observations, I have come to realize that many fall in love, or enter marriage with lots of preconceived ideas, wrong mindsets, and cultural ideologies which are like brittle bricks. They start a relationship, speak the love language, walk the aisles, take their vows at a church or in a courtroom, and live together without any divine revelation and guidance concerning what marriage truly is in the eyes of the Creator, and the sacrifices involved. But when difficult challenges stick their heads out in their relationship, they chase each other around the house like Tom and Jerry (the cat and the mouse) until one gets hurt and leave, or both rip their once-promising love life apart, leaving lots of casualties behind.
Now, divorces are becoming more and more rampant. Families are being hurt and divided, and the children involved in these relationships are wounded and confused, making them more vulnerable to all the ills this generation is already dealing with. So, to begin with, it is very important for all of us to reflect on the following questions, because we will come back to them as we progress from Book One into Book Two:
-Where did marriage originate from?
-Are there certain revelations mankind needs to understand and embrace in this sacred union that most of us have no clue of?
-What is the Creator and Officiator's intents and purposes in marriage?
-Why is marriage implanted into the hearts of every human being?
-How must we enter this all-important relationship?
-Did the Creator imbed certain secrets in this union He wants His children to know for their own good?
-How do I build a solid, godly relationship and preserve my marriage?
-Are there secrets to maintaining great relationship?
-What are some of the obstacles to a healthy relationship, and what must I avoid?
-How does my role in the relationship affect my marriage?
-How do I deal with conflicts and obstacles in my relationship?
-What boundaries must I set to protect my marriage? And much more.
It will be encouraging for all married or prospective couples to ponder over the above questions very often. For I believe that when we know and understand the origin and the foundation on what we fell in love for, or are engaged in, or are preparing to enter in, we will contract marriage with carefulness and take all the necessary precautions to honor the Originator in our marital lives. I have personally asked myself these questions, wanting
About the Author: Monica TOMTANIA is a God-fearing and passionate woman of God, a woman of integrity who lives by what she preaches and teaches. Her heart's cry each day is to be like Christ, to be His heart expressed and His hand extended, and see others thrive in their walk with God
Mama TOMTANIA, as most call her, is also an ordained minister with the Assemblies of God. She was called into the ministry at the age of 10, after a near-death encounter with Heaven and Hell. After which, God gave her the ability to hear His heart and to communicate it to others. She is a Prophetic voice to the nations. Prophecies concerning certain nations, including individuals, have seen their fulfillments.
Monica became one of the leaders of 'Tears of Jesus' Evangelistic Team in Ghana before attending Bible School, where she met her late husband, Rev. Geoffrey K. TOMTANIA. Together they planted churches in Ghana and Togo, and ministered in Africa, Europe, United States of America, and other parts of the world, and shepherded the largest A/G church in the country of Togo. Through their ministry, countless souls have come to know the Lord and experienced freedom. Monica served as the National Director of the Women Ministries, served as vice president of the Pan African Christian Women Association, and founded Anna Circle. She also pioneered children and young women ministries and trained many who are now serving as Pastors' wives and church leaders around the world.
Upon Geoffrey's passing to glory, Monica moved to the United States and founded Hearing the Father's Heart Ministries. She also worked at the Teen Challenge Ladies Center in Mississippi, where she poured her heart into the ladies at the center. At the promptings of the Holy Spirit, she moved back into California where Geoffrey passed and worked at the Contra Costa Hospital as a Pastoral Caregiver, after which she went to New York to Pastor Family for Christ AG for a few years while still serving as the National Director for the African Assemblies of God Fellowship Women Ministries, which branched later into other National Fellowships.
Although Monica is very busy with her own ministry, she now continues to serve the Ghana AG Fellowship Women Ministries as the National Director. Monica is a Preacher/Teacher, Author, Spiritual and Marital Counselor, Prayer Warrior, and a Songwriter. And her passionate desire is to be like Jesus in every way, being His hand extended and His heart expressed to people of all races and colors. Monica is a grateful grandmother, as well as a loving mother to countless spiritual children she mentors. Her Books: "God Still Speaks", "The End-time Daughters of the King", and "Spiritual Terrorism, A true life experiences" are all a must read.