Greg was newly engaged. Julia was on a camping trip with a friend. Their paths had crossed on many occasions since childhood, but they had never met. High on the top of Cadillac Mountain on the coast of Maine, immersed in the splendor of the sunrise, they came closer than ever before. Twenty years later, they connected on a dating site in cyberspace. Theirs would be a passionate yet tumultuous relationship that was directed by forces beyond themselves ... for a time and for a reason, but not for this lifetime.
This book reaches into the dream world, spans across lifetimes and delves into the world of the paranormal. It is the story of a man, a woman, the little boy who brought them together, and the power that will always keep them connected.
This story is about releasing fear. It is about accessing the energy that is all around us and using it to support us on our transformational journey. It will open your mind to new possibilities and expand your capacity for forgiveness, compassion, joy and unconditional love.
A captivating story of transition and transformation, this book is charged with the kind of energy and insight that invites you to explore the depths of your subconscious mind, embrace change like never before and be open to the idea that we are all connected in ways that go well beyond our human understanding.
It also provides you with activities and tools to begin connecting with the spirit world, develop your intuitive and psychic abilities and intentionally harness your creative power using the Law of Attraction.
About the Author: Trisha Jacobson is passionately committed to inspiring people to let go of fear, overcome subconscious blocks and heed the intuitive whispers and heart's wisdom along the path to self-discovery. Trisha consistently engages her readers and audiences to embrace their unique power and connect to Universal source energy to create their best lives.
Through challenges, triumphs and an inspiring transformational journey, today Trisha is fully aligned with the essence of who she is; an intuitive, compassionate and higher powered teacher challenging people to be the best they can be and create the life of their dreams. What sets her apart from other teachers is her expertise in both the scientific and spiritual realm and her understanding of the power of the brain and the heart on physical and emotional health and wellbeing and how it's all connected.
Trisha has been personally trained, coached and mentored by Jack Canfield, star of the movie The Secret, expert in the Law of Attraction, and beloved author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series, and The Success Principles: How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be.
A few things that might delight and surprise you about Trisha:
She is profoundly intuitive and often works with guides and spirits who have crossed who provide her with messages and insights that support her work.
She is grateful for her dear friend and ex-husband, who gave her the "gift of desperation" through his struggle with addiction. It was through this experience that she became deeply connected with her higher power and connected to her intuitive abilities.
Trisha didn't have any children of her own. This made her very sad at first, until she discovered that her true passion and purpose is to support other people's kids in pursuing their dreams.
In addition to providing life coaching and support to teens and young adults, Trisha teaches sexuality education to middle and high school kids and works with adults to enhance adult-teen communication.
Most recently she developed and piloted a curriculum Pathways to Success in Health and Wellness, based on Jack Canfield's work, in middle and high school health classes with amazing results! She is now in the process of expanding both funding streams and partnerships for this very promising and transformational curriculum!
To learn more about Trisha and her work visit http: //