The K.I.N.G. Crowning information will encourage and
strengthen you in your daily walk with The Lord Jesus
Christ, helping you grow into a Christlike individual who
can consistently display high character and glorify God
in all you do. Purposely concise and far from exhaustive,
this booklet is presented in a simple study guide format
that challenges the reader to think, meditate, and reflect
on the truths of God's Word and whether he is applying
them to his life.
Three disciplines are encouraged in this study: scripture
memorization, contemplation, and discussion. By
memorizing K.I.N.G.'s five foundational scriptures, you
will be introduced to one of your most potent weapons
in spiritual warfare - committing God's Word to memory.
The goal is for you to ultimately go beyond K.I.N.G.'s
five scriptures and develop a routine of scripture
memorization, a practice that will aid you greatly
in renewing and cleansing your mind according to
God's life-giving Word. Moreover, the questions within
each lesson are meant to take you beyond mere rote
memorization and teach you how to think deeply about
the scripture, discuss it with others, and apply it to your
thoughts and deeds in a way that transforms your life.