Is There A Reason Why We Exist?
The value or significance of anything, including life, is found in its meaning. An innate desire to matter which comes from our souls, naturally, causes us to question our value; yet we live in a society where the value and sanctity of human life has increasingly diminished. Slowly, our hearts are becoming desensitized to acts of terrorism, chemical warfare, uncivil protests, merciless mass shootings, live media killings, suicides, genocides, millions of aborted destinies (babies), state sponsored euthanasia, and the drug epidemic that's ravaging our communities. Why does it seem as if the lives of animals are more passionately protected than human beings? People need to know the meaning or reason why they exist so that they won't devalue our most sacred gift--life.
Life is more than just existing, and at some point, we begin to wonder about its meaning. It is a universal question that extends beyond the borders of country, age, ethnicity, ideology, religion, culture, and socioeconomic status. Men throughout history have sought and shared ideas on almost every subject in life in an attempt to gain some understanding. The reality of life and the inevitability of death have sparked many debates among the greatest minds in human History. In my own pursuit to understand, I have found myself left only with more questions. Finally, after watching bees pollinate and trees bear fruit, I had an epiphany; what makes us who we are, our uniqueness, give us reason to exist, and the only way to fully make sense of our necessity is to seek the architect of life, Yahweh. He is the key which unlocks the mystery behind why we exist.
When we reach the age where the time behind us is more than the time before us, the need to understand and find closure about our existence intensifies. Faced with our own mortality, we tend to contemplate questions such as:
Who am I?
Does a creator really exist?
Why am I here?
Where do I come from?
When I die, where will I go?
What does this all mean?
The Meaning will address some of the toughest questions in life as well as share foundational wisdom to the many idea's life consist of. It is a vivid picture that discloses just how intentional our Creator is in fulfilling His plan. Regardless of how or who we've arrived to in life, to God all lives matter. Nothing in life just happens, and nothing or no one in life is without reason or value.