Volume II. Mechanics of discrete and continuous systems 11: DYNAMICS OF DISCRETE MECHANICAL SYSTEMS 11.1 Dynamics of discrete mechanical systems with respect to an inertial frame of reference. 11.2 Dynamics of discrete mechanical systems with respect to a non-inertial frame of reference. 12: DYNAMICS OF CONTINUOUS MECHANICAL SYSTEMS 12.1 General considerations. 12.2 One-dimensional continuous mechanical systems. 13: OTHER CONSIDERATIONS ON THE DYNAMICS OF MECHANICAL SYSTEMS 13.1 Motions with discontinuities. 13.2 Dynamics of mechanical systems of variable mass. 14: DYNAMICS OF THE RIGID SOLID 14.1 General results. Euler-Poinsot case. 14.2 Case in which the ellipsoid of inertia is of revolution 15: DYNAMICS OF THE RIGID SOLID WITH A FIXED POINT 15.1 General results. Euler-Poinsot case. 15.2 Case in which the ellipsoid of inertia is of rotation. Other cases of integrability. 16: OTHER CONSIDERATIONS ON THE RIGID SOLID 16.1 Motions of the Earth. 16.2 Theory of the gyroscope. 16.3 Dynamics of the rigid solid of variable mass. 17: DYNAMICS OF SYSTEMS OF RIGID SOLIDS 17.1 Motion of systems of rigid solids. 17.2 Motion with discontinuities of the rigid solids. Collision. 17.3 Applications in the dynamics of engines. References; Subject Index; Name Index.
About the Author: Prof. Dr. Doc. Petre P. Teodorescu
Born June 30, 1929, Bucuresti.
M.Sc. Faculty of Mathematics of the University of Bucharest, 1952; Faculty of Bridges of the Technical University of Civil Engineering, Bucharest, 1953.
Ph.D. "Calculus of rectangular deep beams in a general case of support and loading", Technical University of Civil Engineering, Bucharest, 1955.
Academic Positions Consulting Professor.
at the University of Bucharest, Faculty of Mathematics.
Fields of Research Mechanics of Deformable Solids (especially Elastic Solids), Mathematical Methods of Calculus in Mechanics.
Selected Publications
1. "Applications of the Theory of Distributions in Mechanics", Editura Academiei-Abacus Press, Bucuresti-Tunbrige Wells, Kent, 1974 (with W. Kecs);
2. "Dynamics of Linear Elastic Bodies", Editura Academiei-Abacus Press, Bucuresti-Tunbrige Wells, Kent, 1975;
3. "Spinor and Non-Euclidean Tensor Calculus with Applications", Editura Tehnicã-Abacus Press, Bucuresti-Tunbrige Wells, Kent, 1983 (with I. Beju and E. Soos);
4. "Mechanical Systems", vol. I, II, Editura Tehnicã, Bucuresti, 1988.
Invited Addresses The 2nd European Conference of Solid Mechanics, September 1994, Genoa, Italy: Leader of a Section of the Conference and a Communication.
Lectures Given Abroad Hannover, Dortmund, Paderborn, Germany, 1994; Padova, Pisa, Italy, 1994.
Additional Information Prize "Gh. Titeica" of the Romanian Academy in 1966; Member in the Advisory Board of Meccanica (Italy), Mechanics Research Communications and Letters in Applied Engineering Sciences (U.S.A.); Member of GAMM (Germany) and AMS (U.S.A.); Reviewer: Mathematical Reviews, Zentralblatt fuer Mathematik und ihre Grenzgebiete, Ph.D. advisor.