Medicinal Agroecology: Reviews, Case Studies and Research Methodologies presents information on applications of 'green therapies' in restoration towards global sustainability. These practices connect the world of medicinal plants with ecologic farming practice creating a compassionate socio-political worldview and heartfelt scientific research towards food sovereignty and a healthier future on planet Earth.
The book communicates benefits of using plant-based solutions to manage the challenges of unsustainable practices in human healthcare, veterinary medicine, agriculture, forestry, and water management. The contributions introduce advances around plants and their active components to potentially treat disease, regulate dysfunction, and balance ecosystems. These practices are explored in further depth through three sections - I. POLICIES & FRAMEWORKS, II. INSIGHTS & OVERVIEWS, III. CASE STUDIES & RESEARCH METHODS.
Edited by Immo Fiebrig, Medicinal Agroecology: Reviews, Case Studies and Research Methodologies appeals to those in various disciplines including agriculture and agroecology, healthcare, environmental sciences, and veterinary medicine.
About the Author: Immo N. Fiebrig received his bachelor´s degree in pharmaceutical sciences at Munich University LMU in 1991, to become a licensed pharmacist shortly afterwards. This was followed by a PhD in physical biochemistry at the University of Nottingham, UK. His work experience outside academia comprised a position as deputy manager of a German chemist and organic food shop, as monitor of clinical studies in the pharmaceutical industry, head of department of a pharmaceutical database publisher and healthcare project manager in an advertising agency. For the 12 years that followed, Immo worked as a freelance service provider for the healthcare publishing industries and as a project manager in pharmaceutical development. He published his first book, 'Edible Cities', on urban permaculture following a career change and returned to academia to carry out research on permaculture and agroecological systems in commercial settings at the Centre of Agroecology, Water and Resilience (CAWR) of Coventry University, UK. Since 2019, he has returned to Munich and works as independent researcher, lecturer (University of Nottingham and Hohenheim University), author and book editor.