This practical workbook assists school-based mentors of mathematics teachers to develop their mentoring skills, offering mentors the essential guidance needed in order to effectively support trainee or newly qualified secondary mathematics teachers, as well as in their overall career development. Offering tried and tested strategies based on research and evidence, Mentoring Mathematics Teachers covers the knowledge, skills, and understanding every mentor needs, and offers practical tools such as lesson plans and feedback sheets, observation sheets, case studies, sample dialogues, and other learning activities and exercises.
Together with analytical tools for self-evaluation, this book is a vital source of support and inspiration for all those involved in developing the next generation of outstanding mathematics teachers, whether in teacher training or as newly qualified or early career teachers. Key topics explored include:
-Roles and responsibilities of mentors within mathematics education, and understanding yourself as a mentor;
-The mentor-mentee relationship, and helping develop a beginning teacher's identity;
-Supporting specific aspects of beginning mathematics teachers' knowledge, skills, and understanding, including developing reflective practice, lesson planning, and mathematical misconceptions;
-Strategies for observation and analysis of lessons, marking, assessment, and the use of data;
-Mentoring for long-term career and teacher development.
Filled with the key tools needed for the mentor's individual development, Mentoring Mathematics Teachers offers an accessible and practical guide to mentoring trainee teachers and early-career teachers with ready-to-use strategies that support, inspire and elevate both mentors and teachers alike.
This book also includes an online eResource offering downloadable resources and web-based training material.
About the Author: Rosa Archer is the Programme Director for the PGCE Secondary at the University of Manchester. Rosa taught mathematics for many years in schools, sixth form colleges and universities. Her research interests include lesson study and critical pedagogies on mathematics. Rosa has a passion for teaching and learning mathematics as well as inclusion, and sustainability within the curriculum. Recent publications include "Understanding lesson study for mathematics: A practical guide for improving teaching and learning", "Myths and Legends of Mastery in the Mathematics Curriculum: Enhancing the breadth and depth of mathematics learning in primary schools" and "The Mathematics Practitioner's Guidebook for Collaborative Lesson Research: Authentic Lesson Study for Teaching and Learning".
Siân Morgan has had a 30-year career in education. She is a senior lecturer at the University of Manchester, working for over 10 years in initial teacher education. In 2020, she co-authored a book "Understanding lesson study for mathematics: A practical guide for improving teaching and learning." Her current research interests continue to focus on lesson study, professional development, and mathematical pedagogy, alongside a particular passion to develop equality, diversity and inclusion, and sustainability within the curriculum (social and environmental justice).
David Swanson taught mathematics for many years and now teaches on the PGCE Secondary Mathematics course at the University of Manchester. He also researches at the University, particularly on mathematical and pedagogical concept development and critical social perspectives on education. Recent co-authored books and articles include "Understanding lesson study for mathematics: A practical guide for improving teaching and learning", and "Photojournalism and the Moss Side Riots of 1981". His latest project investigates school student strikes against racism in the 1980s.
Claire Clemmet is an experienced maths teacher and mentor who has been working as a teacher educator at the University of Nottingham since 2010. During this time she has worked on a range of ITE courses and is now the subject lead for the PGCE secondary mathematics course. Claire is currently completing her educational doctorate which focuses on the role mentors play in the subject knowledge development of student teachers.
Stef Sullivan is Deputy Head of the School of Education at the University of Nottingham. Stef joined Nottingham as an experienced mathematics teacher and professional development consultant and now has over twenty years of experience of Initial Teacher Education. Stef is particularly interested in how Initial Teacher Education programmes, and tthe mentors who work with beginning teachers, develop confident professionals who can be successful teachers in a range of different contexts.