Chapter One: Setting Up Our Environment
Chapter Two: Dating App
- Firebase hosting initial setup - React basic setup
- Adding Swipe functionality
- Setting up MongoDB database
- Creating NodeJS schema and routes
- Integrating backend with React - Deploying backend in heroku
- Hosting through firebase
Chapter Three: Video Sharing App
- Firebase hosting initial setup
- React basic setup
- Adding Short videos to site
- Adding snap feature to video
- Setting up MongoDB database - Creating NodeJS schema and routes
- Integrating backend with React
- Deploying backend in heroku
- Hosting through firebase
Chapter Four: Messaging App
- Firebase hosting initial setup
- React basic setup
- Creating Sidebar component showing rooms
- Creating the Chat functionality
- Setting up MongoDB database - Creating NodeJS schema and routes
- Adding real-time chat with Pusher
- Integrating backend with React
- Adding Google authentication
- Deploying backend in heroku
- Hosting through firebase
Chapter Five: Photo-based Social Network - Firebase hosting initial setup
- React basic setup
- Showing images with caption on site - Setting up MongoDB database
- Creating NodeJS schema and routes
- Adding real-time posts with Pusher
- Integrating backend with React
- Adding email/password authentication
- Adding Signup and Sign-in to site - Adding ability to add post
- Adding ability to comment on post
- Deploying backend in heroku
- Hosting through firebase
Chapter Six: More Complex Social Network
- Firebase hosting initial setup
- React basic setup and adding styled components
- Showing basic structure of the site
About the Author: Nabendu Biswas is a full stack JavaScript developer who has been working in the IT industry for the past 16 years and has worked for some of the world's top development firms and investment banks. He is a passionate tech blogger who publishes on and and on He is an all-round nerd, passionate about everything JavaScript, React and Gatsby. You can find him on Twitter @nabendu82.