Chapter 1 An introduction to EQ-5D instruments and their applications
1.1 Measuring health using the EQ-5D
1.2 What does the EQ-5D measure?
1.2.1 The EQ-5D self-reported health state (EQ-5D profile)
1.2.2 EQ VAS
1.2.3 EQ-5D values
1.2.4 What aspect of the information provided by the EQ-5D should be the primary focus on my analysis?
1.3 EQ-5D data collection and data handling
1.4 Before starting your analysis
1.4.1Treatment of missing data - what to do, what not to do
1.4.2 Planning your analysis
1.5 Guide to the rest of this book
Chapter 2 Analysis of EQ-5D profile data
2.1 Cross-sectional analysis: describing health at a point in time by dimension and level
2.2 Longitudinal analysis: describing changes in health between two time points by dimension and level
2.3 Cross sectional analysis: describing health at a point in time using profiles
2.4 Longitudinal analysis: describing changes in health between two points in time using profiles
2.4.1 The Paretian Classification of Health Change (PCHC)
2.4.2 The probability of superiority
2.4.3 Health Profile Grid (HPG)
2.5 Summarising the severity of EQ-5D profiles
2.5.1 The level sum score (LSS)
2.5.2 The level frequency score (LFS)
2.6 Analysing the informativity of EQ-5D profile data
2.6.1 Shannon Indices
2.6.2 Health State Density Curve (HSDC)
2.6.3 Health State Density Index (HSDI) and other related indices
Chapter 3 Analysis of EQ VAS data
3.1 Interpreting the EQ VAS 3.2 Simple descriptive statistics and inference
3.3 Modelling determinants of EQ VAS scores
Chapter 4 Analysis of EQ-5D values
4.1 Value sets and their properties
4.2 Positive and normative considerations in choice of value set
4.3 Simple descriptive statistics and inference
4.4 Examining the distribution of EQ-5D values
4.5 Variance and heteroskedasticity
4.6 exploring clusters in EQ-5D value distributions
4.7 Regression analysis
4.8 Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis
Chapter 5 Advanced topics
5.1 Analysing changes and differences in EQ-5D values and EQ VAS scores
5.1.1 Defining the outcomes of an intervention study as a change
5.1.2 Minimal Important Differences (MIDs)
- Using EQ-5D MIDs
- MID estimation methods
5.1.3 Case-mix and risk adjustment of EQ-5D data
5.2 Mapping
Glossary of terms