Part 1. Behavioral analysis
Chapter 1. Behavioral Analysis in Caenorhabditis elegans.
Author: Tsukada, Y., Mori, I. (Nagoya Univ., Japan)
Chapter 2. Classical conditioning of the proboscis extension reflex inthe honeybee.
Author: Matsumoto, Y.(Hokkaido Univ., Japan), Sandoz J-C (CNRS - University Paul Sabatier, France). Giurfa, M. (CNRS, France)
Part 2. Electrophysiology
Chapter 3. Mining spatio-spectro-temporal cortical dynamics: aguideline for offline and online electrocorticographic analyses.
Author: Chao, Z., Fujii, N. (RIKEN BSI, Japan)
Chapter 4. Computational analysis of behavioural and neural datathrough
Bayesian statistical modelling.
Author: Wai MunChan, R. and Gabbiani, F. (BaylorCollege of Medicine, USA)
Part 3. Optical recording techniques
Chapter 5. In vivo Ca2+ imaging of neuronal activity.
Author: Ogawa, H. (HokkaidoUniv, Japan), Miller, J.P. (Montana StateUniv., USA)
Chapter 6. Optical Imaging techniques for investigating the earthworm nervous system and its function.
Author: Oka, K. (Keio Univ., Japan)., Ogawa H. (Hokkaido Univ., Japan)
Part 4. Optogenetics
Chapter 7. Monitoring neural activity with genetically-encoded Ca2+indicators.
Author: Kamikouchi, A. (NagoyaUniversity, Japan), Fiala A. (Georg-August-Universityof Göttingen, Germany)
Chapter 8. Behavioral control by light-exciting and silencing neuronalactivity.
Author: Cetin A. (Salk Inst, USA)., Komai, S. (NaraInst. Sci. Tech., Japan)
Part 5. Molecular biological techniques
Chapter 9. Detecting neural activity-dependent immediate early geneexpression in the brain.
Author: Wada, K. (Hokkaido Univ., Japan), Chen, CC. (Duke Univ, USA), Jarvis E.D. (Duke Univ, USA)
Chapter 10. Epigenetic regulation of gene expression in the nervoussystem.
Author: Hatakeyama, D. (Tokushima Bunri Univ., Japan), Tierling, S. (Saarland Univ., Germany), Kuzuhara, T. (TokushimaBunri Univ., Japan), Müller U.(Saarland Univ., Germany)