Microsensors: Design, Development, Fabrication, Packaging, and Testing of MEMS Pressure Sensors for Aerospace applications.- MEMS Piezoresistive Accelerometers.- A Handheld Explosives Detector Based on Amplifying Fluorescent Polymer.- Development of a Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) Based Bio sensing System.- Design and Development of Ion-Sensitive Field-Effect Transistor and Extended-Gate Field-Effect Transistor Platforms for Chemical and Biological Sensors.- Microactuators: RF MEMS Single-Pole-Multi-Throw switching circuits.- Piezoelectric actuators in helicopter active vibration control.- Design and development of a piezoelectrically actuated micro pump for drug delivery application.- Development and characterization of PZT multi layered stacks for vibration control.- Development of Piezoelectric and Electrostatic RF MEMS devices.- Materials and Processes: Nickel-Titanium Shape Memory Alloy Wires for Thermal Actuators.- Processing and Characterization of Shape Memory Films for Microactuators.- Piezoceramic coatings for MEMS and Structural Health Monitoring.- Cost-effective processing of polymers and application to devices.- Chemical synthesis of nanomaterials and structures, including nanostructured thin films, for different applications.- A Study on Hydrophobicity of Silicon and a few Dielectric Materials.-Materials for Embedded Capacitors, Inductors, Non-reciprocal devices and Solid Oxide Fuel cells in Low Temperature Co-fired Ceramic (LTCC).- Smart Materials for Energy Harvesting, Energy Storage and Energy Efficient Solid State Electronic Refrigeration.- Modeling and Simulation: Vibratory MEMS and Squeeze Film Effects.- Streaming Potential in Micro flows and Nano flows.- A simulation module for microsystems using hybrid finite elements: an overview.- Structural Health Monitoring: Nonlinear Effects in the Prognostic Analysis of Crack Growth in Structural Joints.- Systems and Applications: Smart e-textile based Nano sensors for Cardiac Monitoring with Smart Phone and Wireless Mobile Platform.- Polymer based Micro/Nano Cantilever Electro-Mechanical Sensor Systems for Bio/Chemical Sensing Applications.- Smart Materials Technology for Aerospace Applications.- Electronic Circuits for Piezoelectric Resonant Sensors.- A Universal Energy Harvesting Scheme for Operating Low-Power Wireless Sensor Nodes using Multiple Energy Resources: Design of Rectennas and Power Management Electronics.- RF MEMS True Time Delay Phase Shifter.- MEMS Sensors for Underwater Applications.
About the Author: Prof. K.J. Vinoy is working as Associate Professor in Department of Electrical Communication Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India. He completed his PhD from Pennsylvania State University, USA in 2002. His research interests are on computational and experimental aspects of microwave engineering and microsystems. Dr. Vinoy is an elected Fellow of Indian National Academy of Engineering. He is currently in the Editorial Board of several journals. Dr. Vinoy has published 55 papers in journals, 110 papers in Conference Proceedings and four books.
Prof. G.K. Ananthasuresh is a Professor in Mechanical Engineering Department, Indian Institute of Science, India. He earned PhD in Mechanical Engineering from University of Michigan in 1994. Prof. Ananthasuresh also completed post-doctoral research from Microsystems Technology Laboratories, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA. He received Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize 2010 in Engineering Sciences, Swarnajayanti Fellowship in 2006 and National Science Foundation Early CAREER award. He is also a fellow of the Indian National Academy of Engineering. His research areas include Compliant mechanisms, Topology optimization, Micro-Electro-Mechanical systems, Protein design, Biomechanics of cells and tissues, Inverse problems and kinematics of mechanisms. Dr. Ananthasuresh is editorial board member of more than 10 international and national journals; he has been awarded four patents while four are pending; gave more than 50 invited talks; published more than 76 papers in journals and 120 papers in Conference Proceedings; four books and 12 book chapters.
Prof. Rudra Pratap is currently working as Professor and Chairperson of Centre for Nano-Science and Engineering, in Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, India. He completed his PhD from Cornell University, USA in 1993. He is an elected Fellow of Indian National Academy of Engineering. His research interests include micro & nano electro-mechanical Systems (MEMS/NEMS), nonlinear dynamics & applied dynamical systems and structural vibration & vibroacoustic. Dr. Pratap is Associate Editor of International Journal of Green Nanotechnology. He has been awarded 4 patents; published 57 papers in journals and 68 papers in Conference Proceedings and published 3 books.
Prof. S.B. Krupanidhi is working as Professor and Chairman of Materials Research Centre, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India. Following his PhD from Delhi University in Solid State Physics in 1981, Prof. Krupanidhi held a post doctoral position at Queen's University, Canada till 1984. He then worked as Principal Scientist at Motorola in Albuquerque till 1988 prior to joining the Pennsylvania State University as a Professor. Since 1995 he has been a member of the faculty at MRC. Prof. Krupanidhi has been selected for J.C. Bose National fellowship for the year 2010, constituted by Department of Science and Technology. He is a fellow of Indian Academy of Science, Indian National Science Academy, Indian National Academy of Engineers and Asia Pacific Academy of Materials. He has authored 6 books, 6 book chapters and edited 8 books. He holds 3 international patents. He is in the editorial board of various international journals and published about 500 papers in international scientific journals of high repute. He holds key positions in various international scientific bodies.