A gyrotron traveling-wave amplifier (gyro-TWT) with the high-power and broad-band capabilities is considered as a turn-on key for next generation high-resolution radar. The book presents the most advanced theory, methods and physics in a gyro-TWT. The most challenging problem of instability competition has been for the first time addressed in a focused and systematic way and reported via concise states and vivid pictures. The book is likely to meet the interest of researchers and engineers in radar and microwave technology, who would like to study the gyro-TWTs and to promote its application in millimeter-wave radars.
Chao-Hai Du and Pu-Kun Liu are both professors at Peking University.
About the Author: Chao-Hai Du
Research Professor of Peking University
Education and Job Experience
2005.09 - 2010.07 Doctor s Degree of Physical Electronics
Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (GUCAS)
2010.08 - 2013.03 Associated Research Professor (Exceptional promotion in Dec. 2011)
Institute of Electronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IECAS)
2013.04 - Research Professor, Doctoral Advisor
Institute of Applied Electronics, School of Electronics Engineering and Computer Science, Peking University
Academic Achievements and Awards
Research focusing on millimeter-wave sources and technology, including millimeter-wave gyrotron amplifier, oscillator, quasi-optical control of high-power millimeter wave. More than 60 papers are published on international and domestic journals and conferences, including IEEE series, such as IEEE ELECTRONDEVICE LETTERS (IF:3.049, IEEE TRANS.ON ELECTRON DEVICES (IF:2.73), IEEE TRANS. ON PLASMA SCIENCE, and American Institute of Physics PHYSICS OF PLASMAS (IF 2.376). Applied for 8 National Patent for Invention, 4 of which were granted. Registered 3 professional software copyrights. Taking Charge of 2 NSFC projects (No. 61072024 11275206).
Awards including:
2011 Selected as the 1st term member of Youth Innovation Promotion Association, CAS;
2011 Excellent Doctorial Dissertations of the CAS;
2011 Ding Xiu Prize from Institute of Electronics, CAS;
2010 Dean s Award for Academic Excellence from CAS (20/year in CAS);
2009 Best Doctor s Paper Award from the Chinese Vacuum Society (5/year)
2009 The Fist Prize Outstanding Young Paper from the vacuum electronics branch of CES (the only winner)
2008 The Best Conference Paper Awards from microwave branch of CES;
* CAS: Chinese Academy of Sciences, CES: Chinese Electronic Society.
Selected Publications [1].Chao-Hai Du, T. H. Chang, P. K. Liu, Y. C. Huang, P. X.Jiang, S. X. Xu, Z. H. Geng, B. L. Hao, L. Xiao, G. F. Liu, Z. D. Li, and S. H. Shi, Design of a W-band gyro-TWT amplifier with a lossy ceramic loaded circuit, IEEE Transactions On Electron Devices, vol. 60, no. 7, pp. 2388-2394, Jul. 2013.
[2].Chao-Hai Du, T. H. Chang, P. K. Liu, C. P. Yuan, S. J. Yu, G. F. Liu, Vladimir L. Bratman, Mikhail Yu. Glyavin, Yu. K. Kalynov and Pu-Kun Liu, Development of a Magnetic Cusp Gun for Terahertz Harmonic Gyro-Devices, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 59, no. 12, pp. 3635-3640. Dec. 2012.
[3].Chao-Hai Du, Pu-Kun Liu, Linear Full-Wave-Interaction Analysis of a Gyro-TWT Amplifier Based on Lossy Dielectric-lined Circuit, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, vol. 38, no. 6, pp. 1219 -1226, Jun. 2010.
[4].Chao-Hai Du, Pu-Kun Liu, A lossy dielectric-ring loaded waveguide with suppressed periodicity for gyro-TWTs applications, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 56, no. 10, pp. 2335-2342, Oct. 2009.
[5].Chao-Hai Du, Qian-Zhong Xue, Pu-Kun Liu, and Ming-Hong Wang, Modal transition and reduction in a lossy dielectric-coated metal cylindrical waveguide for gyro-TWT applications, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 56, no. 5, pp. 839-845, May 2009.
[6].Chao-Hai Du, Qian-Zhong Xue, and Pu-Kun Liu, Loss-induced modal transition in a dielectric-coated metal cylindrical waveguide for gyro-TWT applications, IEEE Electron Device Letters, vol. 29, no. 11, pp. 1256-1258, Nov. 2008.
[7].Chao-Hai Du, Qian-Zhong Xue, Pu-Kun Liu, and Ming-Hong Wang, Effect of a backward wave on the stability of an ultrahigh gain gyro-TWT, Physics of Plasmas, vol. 15, no. 12, p. 123 107, Dec. 2008.
[8].Chao-Hai Du, Pu-Kun Liu, Stability study of a gyrotron-traveling-wave amplifier based on a lossy dielectric-loaded mode-selective circuit, Physics of Plasmas, vol. 16, no. 7, p. 073 104, Jul. 2009. [9].Chao-Hai Du, Pu-Kun Liu, Stabilization of the potential multi-steady-state absolute instabilities in a gyrotron traveling-wave amplifier, Physics of Plasmas, vol. 16, no. 10, p. 103 107, Oct. 2009.
[10].Chao-Hai Du, Pu-Kun Liu, Nonlinear Full-Wave-Interaction Analysis of a Gyro-TWT Amplifier Based on Lossy Dielectric-lined Circuit, Physics of Plasmas, vol. 17, no.3, p. 033104, Mar. 2010.
[11].Chao-Hai Du, Pu-Kun Liu, Beam-wave coupling strength analysis in a gyrotron traveling-wave tubeamplifier, Journal of Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves, vol. 31, no. 6, pp.714-723, Apr. 2010.
[12].Chao-Hai Du, Pu-Kun Liu, and Qian-Zhong Xue, Periodicity-suppressing effect of periodic lossy-dielectric-loaded cylindrical waveguide, Chinese Physics B, vol. 19, no. 4, p.048703, Apr. 2010. [13].Ling-Bao Kong, Chao-Hai Du, Pu-Kun Liu, and Liu Xiao, "Instability of relativistic electron beam-dielectric system as a mechanism for microwave generation, Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 102, no. 10, p. 103 305, Nov. 2007.
[14].Yan-Lin Li, Qian-Zhong Xue, and Chao-Hai Du, Two-dimensional metallic photonic crystal with point defect analysis using modeified finite-difference frequency-domain method, IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 28, no. 2, pp.216-222, Jan. 2010.
[15].Shou-Xi Xu, Chao-Hai Du, Pu-Kun Liu Study of a Ka-Band TE11 mode Gyrotron Traveling-Wave Amplifier Journal of Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves, 2009. vol. 31, no. 5, pp. 574-584, May. 2010.
[16].Chao-Hai Du, Qian-Zhong Xue, Pu-Kun Liu, and Ming-Hong Wang, A gyrotron-traveling-wave amplifier based on lossy dielectric-coated metal cylindrical waveguide, IVEC2009, Rome, Italy, April 28-30, 2009, p221-222. [17].Qian-Zhong Xue, Chao-Hai Du*, Pu-Kun Liu, and Ming-Hong Wang, Modes in lossy dielectric-loaded metal cylindrical waveguide for gyrotron-traveling-wave amplifier applications, IVEC2009, Rome, Italy, April 28-30, 2009, p475-476.
[18].Chao-Hai Du, Pu-Kun Liu, A novel gyrotron ECM-cascaded prebunching-Excited amplifier (Gyro-CPA), IVEC2010, Monterey, California, USA, April 28-30, 2010.
[19].Chao-Hai Du, Pu-Kun Liu, Qian-Zhong Xue, and Shou-Xi Xu, Using sharp down-tapered magnetic field profile to enhance the performance of a millimeter-wave gyro-TWT, IVEC2010, Monterey, California, USA, April 28-30, 2010.
[20].Chao-Hai Du, Pu-Kun Liu, Qian-zhong Xue and Shichang Zhang, Development of a W-Band Gyrotron Backward Wave Oscillator, 12th International Vacuum Electronics Conference( IVEC2011 ) Bangalore, India, February 21 - 24, 2011, pp.241-242."