Minimally Invasive is a cyberpunk graphic novel set in a dystopian future where medicine, technology, and corruption intersect in a shadowy underworld of organ harvesting, cyborg surgeries, and secret deals. The story follows two rogue surgeons, skilled in operating on humans, aliens, and cyborgs, as they navigate a world filled with high-stakes surgery, greed, and betrayal.
At the center is Cuz, a talented but morally conflicted organ-harvesting surgeon, and his partner, Walt, a disgraced doctor now working in the criminal underworld. Together, they become entangled in a corrupt scheme run by a manipulative priest overseeing an illegal gambling ring that exploits vulnerable cyborgs and other beings.
Their world becomes more dangerous when they encounter a powerful new drug, the Z drug, which enhances a patient's chances of surviving risky surgeries-or can lead to disastrous outcomes. As they become further involved in Father Gael's operations, the risks increase, and trust becomes difficult to come by.
The story builds to a critical moment when the consequences of the Z drug spiral out of control. In the end, a corrupt cop makes a decision that leaves lingering questions as an alien baby is taken to San Francisco, suggesting a deeper conspiracy.
The novel's artwork blends detailed science fiction elements with a noir tone, creating a distinct visual style. The narrative combines elements of medical thrillers, science fiction, and noir, touching on themes of ethics, technology, and survival. Fans of dystopian sci-fi, cyberpunk, and graphic novels with complex characters and layered themes may find Minimally Invasive appealing.