See below for English description.
Chaque jour, c'est la sempiternelle routine pour Mini-Souris: rien d'excitant, aucune aventure. Tout reste toujours pareil... jusqu'? ce qu'elle entende parler de la soir?e pyjamas que F?licia Patte-de velours organise. Mini-Souris sera-t-elle invit?e? Son meilleur ami lui en voudra-t-il si elle ne l'accompagne pas au marathon de films de monstres?
Pour tout savoir sur les aventures de Mini-Souris, il n'y a qu'? lire Mini-Souris Reine du monde, une nouvelle bande dessin?e qui a du mordant!
It's the same thing every day for Mini-Souris. Where is the glamour? The excitement? The adventure? Nothing ever changes, until... Mini-Souris hears about Felicia Furrypaws's exclusive slumber party. Will Mini-Souris get invited? Will her best friend, Wilson, forgive her if she misses their monster movie marathon? Find out in Mini-Souris Reine du monde, a graphic novel with attitude!
Original Title: Baby Mouse #1: Queen of the World!
About the Author: Jennifer l. Holm est une auteure ? succ's au palmar's du New York Times. Elle a remport? un honneur Newbery ? trois reprises pour les romans Our Only May Amelia, Penny From Heaven, et Turtle in Paradise. Jennifer collabore avec son fr?re Matthew pour r?aliser la collection de BD Mini-Souris. Elle a ?crit plusieurs livres tr's populaires aupr's des jeunes. Jennifer vit en Californie. Matthew Holm est n? et a grandi dans la banlieue de Philadelphie, en Pennsylvanie. Amateur de bandes dessin?es d's son plus jeune ?ge, Matthew a toujours r?v? de devenir b?d?iste. Il a appris l'art de la BD avec Tony Auth, b?d?iste/ ?ditorialiste r?cipiendaire d'un prix Pulitzer, tout en compl?tant ses ?tudes coll?giales en anglais et en arts. Il a ensuite travaill? ? New York comme auteur et ?diteur pour le Hearst's Country Living Magazine en plus de cr?er une BD quotidienne sur le Web.
Jennifer L. Holm is a New York Times bestselling children's author and the recipient of three Newbery Honors for her novels Our Only May Amelia, Penny From Heaven, and Turtle in Paradise. Jennifer collaborates with her brother, Matthew Holm, on two graphic novel series - the popular Babymouse series and the bestselling Squish series. She is also the author of several other highly praised books, including the Boston Jane trilogy and Middle School is Worse Than Meatloaf. She lives in California with her husband and two children.
Matthew Holm - Growing up reading comic books and comic strip collections (including Peanuts, Calvin and Hobbes, and Bloom County), Matthew Holm hoped he might one day draw a daily newspaper comic strip. He mentored under Pulitzer-prize-winning editorial cartoonist Tony Auth while in high school, and in college, while studying English and Art at Penn State, he drew weekly editorial cartoons for the school newspaper. After college, he worked in New York City as a writer and editor for Hearst's Country Living Magazine, and drew a daily web comics in his spare time.