About the Book
Miracles from the Fire is more than a memoir, it is a concise manual of how to achieve transformation and enlightenment. It brings up the gamut of emotions from fear, deep sadness, and regret, to joy and bliss, bringing each reader to celebrate all life brings. As each chapter unfolds, we are inspired to achieve our greatest potential, to revive our dreams, and achieve our goals. Jussta follows her heart, doing the fearless thing, and returns to Australia to lead firewalks and sacred ceremonies. She must fulfill part of her promise to the White Light to do 'anything for additional life. Following her inner guide and her 'divine signs' has meant never making choices that were secure or guaranteed results, but simply choices to discover and experience the world through her own eyes, to discover her own truth of being. As she follows her intuition and the 'divine signs', with the blind faith of a fool, and now the meaning of her life and incredible journey unfold as she begins consciously channeling during her seminars. Sharing profound insights into the meaning and significance of her convoluted journey that long ago left the known and well-trodden path which has taken her into strange situations and places; we celebrate her reaping great joy, bliss, enthusiasm and zest for life. She confronts life alone, on a journey that only she believes in, revealing an amazing array of resources and formerly untapped talents, creativity, skills and abilities, while being forced to develop her own unique code of ethics and philosophy which guide and give her strength to face a chaotic, often cruel world, to overcome all of life's challenges to blossom into an effective catalyst for change and empowerment in the lives of all she touches. Recalling psychic visions, clairvoyance, dreams, 'divine signs', strange coincidences, and the information given her during her death and resurrection experience, she shares her knowledge of the universe that few of us glimpse. Vivid descriptions of Sacred Ceremonies including Firewalking, Sacred Sweat Lodges, Vision Quests, Native American Drum and Rattle making, Rebirthing, and empowerment exercises show us the way to achieve our own transformation and enlightenment, but most of all how we each need to face our fears! As each chapter unfolds, we witness multitudes of miracles, healing from strokes, previous fractures, even money challenges. We learn that it is not what happens to us, but whether we choose to let the experience defeat us or strengthen us. No matter how far, nor where she travels, her willingness to risk, to face the fire, her deep understanding of how we each create our own future through every thought, word and deed, moves each of us to a new perspective of 'seeing the light'. Her courage to dare, to be discovered the fool is the universal joke, that we are all fools, completing our own journey into self-realization and the return to our Source. Jussta shares her unique philosophy, affirmations, and penetrating insights as an inspiration to all of us of the dignity of the human spirit to overcome any and all obstacles and to step out in faith. Journey of a Soul Miracles from the Fire is the Shaman's journey, the making of a mystic, demonstrating that all of our experiences are blessings to ignite the divine spark within all of us that leads us on the soul's journey back to our true selves. In the end, we realize that we truly are souls having a physical experience. Miracles now includes 15 additional pages. To read about her promise to the White Light, read House of Wounded Hearts - Journey Of A Soul - Part I
About the Author: Jussta currently lives in Oceanside, California. She is the author of a series of autobiographical books entitled Journey of a Soul which includes House of Wounded Hearts, Money, Deeds, or Sorrow, and Miracles from the Fire. She writes monthly articles on consciousness and empowerment for Bellesprit Magazine. Currently she is writing a screenplay for a television series based on her life, entitled, "The Promise". She is considered one of the pioneers and leaders in the human potential movement; Jussta is inspired and guided. She combines the gift of conscious channeling when writing Energy Reports for social media and in personal readings for her clients. Jussta provides many different modes of healing with her extensive knowledge of ancient wisdom, religions, native cultures, primitive ceremonies, philosophy, as well as, her Shamanic healing integration work. Jussta taught firewalking as a sacred ceremony to thousands of people of all ages to face their fears and firewalk without injury. In 9-day residential firewalk leadership training in many parts of Australia, she conducted, 'FLITE' (Firewalk Leadership & Intensive Training & Empowerment) to certify firewalk leaders from different parts of the world. She included Sacred Sweat Lodges, Shamanic healing, Vision Quests, Native American drum and rattle making, including Shamanic Drumming which she called, Riding the Drum. She also conducted her weekend empowerment workshops called 'Mansions of the Moon'. Jussta was featured on national television in Australia, including '7:30 Report' and 'Real Life', as well as, being interviewed on national Australian radio. She was the subject of numerous feature articles in Australian newspapers. Jussta was interviewed and featured several times in the international magazine, Golden Age Magazine. Her original articles published in Golden Age, one entitled, "Riding the Drum" and another, "Fable of Firewalking". Jussta traveled the world alone for 14 years. She lived in Taiwan teaching English and doing public speaking, in Hong Kong she gave a two-day business seminar to 84 PhDs. While living on the island of Maui she created public slide shows put to music, (the forerunner of MTV), on Bali she designed one-of-a kind jewelry, clothing, and shoes. Jussta also did Laying-On-Of-Hands healing for both the Balinese and ex-patriots from around-the-world. Visit her website, www.jussta.com where you will find photographs and articles of her abilities and her journey.