Modelling of aeolian vibrations of single conductors.- Modelling of aeolian vibrations of single conductors plus damper.- Modelling of aeolian vibrations of single conductors strung at relatively high tensile load.- Modelling of aeolian vibrations of bundled conductors; Modelling of sub-span oscillations of bundle conductor.
About the Author: CIGRE Study Committee B2 is the CIGRE group of experts that facilitates and promotes the interchange of technical knowledge and information about Overhead Powerlines. It fosters the design, construction, and operation of overhead lines, including the mechanical and electrical design of line components, validation tests, study of in service performance, the assessment of the state of line components and elements, maintenance, as well as the refurbishment and life extension as well as upgrading and uprating of overhead lines.
The output of the deliberations and actions would enable quality, capability, availability, maintainability, and the ability to raise capital and insurance to be realized.
Giorgio Diana received his Degree in Mechanical Engineering from Politecnico di Milano in 1961. Since 1971 he is a full professor of Applied Mechanics and in December 2010 he has been appointed Professor Emeritus of Politecnico di Milano. His actual main research fields are: bridges dynamics, railway vehicle - infrastructure dynamic interaction and aero-elasticity problems.
He is presently chairing various scientific committees such as the Steering Committee of the Joint Research Centre (JRC) on Transportation, the Italcertifer Consortium Certification Committee, the Working Group on Super-long Span Bridge Aerodynamics of IABSE (International Association of Bridge Engineers) and the Working Group B2-58 (Vibration Modelling of High Temperature Low Sag conductors - Self-damping characterization) of CIGRE (Conférence Internationale des Grandes Réseaux Electriques à Haute Tension).
The results of the research and activities are reported in about 300 papers published mainly in international peer reviewed journals as well as in keynote lectures held at several international conferences.
As a result of his achievements Prof. Diana received in 2009 the Robert H. Scanlan Medal from the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), in 2012 the CIGRE Technical Committee Award, in 2014 the IAWE Senior Award with Davenport medal and, also in 2014, the European Railway Award from the Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies (CER) and from the European Rail Industry Association (UNIFE).