1. Tumor Staging and Grading: A Primer
Stacy M. Cowherd
2. Clinical Trial Design in the Age of Molecular Profiling
Alexander Spira and Kirsten H. Edmiston
3. Personalized Medicine: Ethics for Clinical Trials
G. Terry Sharrer
4. Reduction of Preanalytical Variability in Specimen Procurement for Molecular Profiling
Virginia Espina and Claudius Mueller
5. The Human Side of Cancer Biobanking
Eoin Gaffney, Deirdre Madden, and Geraldine A. Thomas
6. Introduction to Genomics
Luca Del Giacco and Cristina Cattaneo
7. Genomic Profiling: cDNA arrays and oligoarrays
Francesco Gorreta, Walter Carbone, Dagania Barzhagi
8. Genome wide methylation profiling in archival formalin fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) tissue samples
J. Keith Killian, Robert L. Walker, Sven Bilke, Yidong Chen, Sean Davis, Robert Cornelison, William I. Smith, and Paul S. Meltzer
9. An Overview of microRNA Methods: Expression Profiling and Target Identification
Sinéad M Smith and David W Murray
10. Antibody Validation by Western Blotting
Michele Signore and K. Alex Reeder
11. Laser Capture Microdissection: ArcturusXT infra-red capture and UV cutting methods
Rosa I. Gallagher, Steven R. Blakely, Lance A. Liotta, and Virginia Espina
12. Antibody microarrays: Analysis of Cystic Fibrosis
Catherine E. Jozwik, Harvey B. Pollard, Meera Srivastava, Ofer Eidelman, QingYuan Fan, Thomas N. Darling, and Pamela L. Zeitlin
13. Tissue Microarrays As A Tool In The Discovery & Validation Of Predictive Biomarkers
Stephen M. Hewitt
14. Reverse phase protein microarrays
Mariaelena Pierobon, Francesca Galdi, Noemi Moroni, and Emanuel F. Petricoin III
15. Serum Low Molecular Weight Protein Fractionation for Biomarker Discovery
Amy VanMeter, Serena Camerini, Maria Letizia Polci, Alessandra Tessitore, Nishant Trivedi, Michael Heiby, Jonathan Hansen, and Weidong Zhou
16. Mass spectrometry based biomarker discovery
Weidong Zhou, Emanuel F. Petricoin III, and Caterina Longo
17. Mitochondrial Proteome: Toward The Detection and Profiling of Disease Associated Alterations
Paul C. Herrmann and E. Clifford Herrmann
18. Adult Neural Stem Cells: Isolation and Propagation
Jamin M. Lechter and Daniel N. Cox
19. Evanescent Wave Imaging: An Introduction to Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence Microscopy (TIRF)
Bryan A. Millis
20. Construction and Hyperspectral Imaging of Quantum Dot Lysate Arrays
Kevin P. Rosenblatt, Michael Huebschman, and Harold R. Garner
21. Microarray Data Analysis: Comparing Two Population Means
Jianghong Deng, Valerie S. Calvert and Mariaelena Pierobon
22. Bioinformatics/Biostatistics: microarray analysis
Gabriel S. Eichler
23. Structure-based functional design of drugs: from target to lead compound
Amy C. Anderson
24. Personalized Medicine: Changing the Paradigm of Drug Development
Robin Couch and Bryan T. Mott
25. Grant Writing Tips for the First Time Applicant
Lindsay Wescott and Michael Laskofski
26. Inventions and Patents: A practical tutorial
J. Lille Tidwell and Lance Liotta
27. Regulatory Approval Pathways for Molecular Diagnostic Technology
Lance Liotta and Emanuel Petricoin
28. Small business development for molecular diagnostics
Athanasia Anagnostou and Lance Liotta