Taking the papers' collection of this Special Issue as a whole, it is clear that "Municipal
Wastewater Management" is an ongoing field of research with the ability to incorporate
current environmental and human health challenges. The use of municipal sewage to
monitor COVID-19 virus circulation in communities and the estimation of possible
outbreaks, even before clinical cases have been identified, is a fact that justifies this.
In light of the Coronavirus pandemic, the interest of the impact that research on
municipal wastewater management can have on improving humans' health and
protecting the environment is being rethought. In respect to this, there is an essential
need for scientific publications that present varieties of case studies and discuss best
practices, so as wastewater treatment plants to be seen not only as sites of pollutants
removal but also as places where energy is efficiently used and environmental
sustainability is being practiced, in close relation to the needs of the community.
Viewed in this way, the papers' collected in this Special Issue are looking forward to reach
a broad readership that can gain awareness and understanding of their topics and be
stimulated into future research and collaborations that would improve all stakeholders
engagement in promoting a sustainable municipal wastewater management.