About the Book
Why can't I be normal and happy like everyone else? Why do I always have problems? Why do I constantly feel as I am not good enough? Why don't I love myself? Will I ever be loved?
Do These Questions Sound Familiar? A child who is abused by her parent will try to reduce the effects of the abuse on them emotionally and psychologically by scaling the abuse down. You might even find yourself trying to believe that you are not abused and that something happened which caused your mother to react abusively.
However, because many forms of narcissistic abuse, such as manipulation, slander, withholding, and emotional blackmail are not often discussed people don't think of these actions as abuse. Therefore, many children of narcissistic mothers don't even realize that they are abused
According to a recent study published on the American Journal of Psychiatry, someone with one or more indicators of
childhood maltreatment had a chance of developing
recurrent depression in later life around
2.27 times higher than that of people who had no history of maltreatment.
Evidence suggests that childhood maltreatment may negatively affect not only the lifetime risk of depression but also clinically relevant measures of depression, such as course of illness and treatment outcome.
Don't you think
it's time to stop feeling guilty and inadequate?
Don't you think you are mature enough to recognize how your
narcissistic mother is still affecting your life, get her out of your head and become who you really are?
I think, then, this book might help. I know you don't need another book filled in with useless information. You just want to HEAL.
Here's just a tiny fraction of what you'll discover:
10 signs of a Narcissistic Mother- 11 signs of Narcissistic Abuse
Manipulative tactics- The Effect on Being Raised as a Daughter of a Narcissistic Mother
How Your Narcissistic Mother Affects Your Mindset- Allow Your Feelings to Grow and Accept Them
Learn the art of Self-discipline- Self-compassion exercises
Heal Through Mindful Acts and Thoughts- Heal Your Subconscious Mind
6 strategies to overcome anxiety- Build the Life You Want, Become the Person You Want to Be
Your life is worth living and you are an amazing person with great talents.
Take the step to get yourself the help you need and deserve so you can learn to understand narcissistic abuse, learn to understand that you are a victim, and find ways to cope and overcome the abuse so you can reach your full potential and live the best life possible.
I have to be honest: this won't be easy, but I have been there and I have done that.
That's why I wrote this book to help you get unstuck and transform your life forever. The decision is yours.
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