Part I
1. What is this book series about? Foreword of Book Series Editor; O. Golubnitschaja
2. Preface; S. Mandel
3. Introductory chapter; S. Mandel and O. Golubnitschaja
Part II
4. Individual predispositions in healthy vasospastic individuals: Patient profiling for targeted prevention of "down-stream" pathologies as cost-effective personalised medicine; K. Yeghiazaryan, J. Flammer, O. Golubnitschaja
5. Idiopathic REM sleep behavior disorder as a long-term predictor of neurodegenerative disorders; S. Fulda and M. Manconi
6. New animal models of progressive neurodegeneration: tools for developing predictive diagnostics and identifying presymptomatic therapeutic targets; A. L. Marriott, D. A. Gill, C. A. Shaw, R. A. Tasker
7. Tau pathology: A selected view on the current status; I. Gozes
Part III
8. The Use of Biomarkers for Prediction and Prevention of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Diseases; S. A. Mandel & A. D. Korczyn
9. Making clinical trials of Alzheimer's disease delay-of-onset a reality by use of a prognostic genetic biomarker; Iris Grossman
10. An update on CSF biomarkers of Parkinson's disease; Peter LeWitt, B Russell Huber, Jing Zhang
Part IV
11. Glaucomatous optic neuropathy: Risk assessment and potential targets for effective prevention and treatments tailored to the patient; O. Golubnitschaja, K. Yeghiazaryan, J. Flammer
Part V
12. Toward a personalized approach in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: new developments in diagnosis, genetics, pathogenesis and therapies; B. Nefussy & V. E. Drory
13. Recent advances in ALS research: perspectives for personalized clinical application; C. Benkler, D. Offen, E. Melamed, T. Amit, S. Mandel, M. B.H. Youdim, O. Weinreb
Part VI
14. Exercise in Multiple Sclerosis - an Integral Component of Disease Management; A. Döring, C. F. Pfueller, F. Pau, J. Dörr
15. Bridging the Informatics Gap between Bench and Bedside: Implications to Neurodegenerative Diseases; A. Shabo (Shvo) & M. Scarpa
Part VII
16. Personalized Medicine In Rare Paediatric Neurometabolic Diseases; R. Tomanin, C. M. Bellettato, F. D'Avanzo, A. Zanetti, A. Ceci, D. Begley, M. Scarpa