1. The New Zealand Environment
1.1 The Setting
1.2 New Environmentalism
1.3 New Zealand and New Environmentalism
1.4 Māori and Environmental Management
1.5 Conclusion
Study Guide
2. Alternative Approaches to Environmental Management
2.1 Environmental Management
2.2 Standards and Permits
2.3 Economic Instruments
2.4 Voluntary Initiatives
2.5 Policy Selection
2.6 Conclusion
Study Guide
3. Agencies and Laws
3.1 Reform of Environmental Management
3.2 Central Government Agencies
3.3 Local Government Agencies
3.4 Non-Government Organisations
3.5 Māori and Resource Management
3.6 The Legislation Framework
3.7 Resource Management Act 1991
3.8 Participation in International Environmental Agreements
3.9 Conclusion
Study Guide
4. Principles and Indicators
4.1 Principles of Environmental Management
4.2 Monitoring the State of the Environment
4.3 Composite Indicators
4.4 Environmental Indicators and Reporting in New Zealand
4.5 Conclusion
Study Guide
5. The Land
5.1 The Setting
5.2 Land Degradation
5.3 The Conservation Estate
5.4 Biodiversity
5.5 Māori
5.6 Conclusion
Study Guide
6. Freshwater
6.1 Conceptual Overview
6.2 The Water Resource and Pressures on it
6.3 Managing Freshwater
6.4 Nutrient Contamination
6.5 Rivers
6.6 Lakes
6.7 Groundwater
6.8 Drinking Water
6.9 Conclusion
Study Guide
7. Ocean and Coast
7.1 Physical Setting
7.2 Coastal Waters
7.3 Fisheries
7.4 State of the Fisheries
7.5 Māori
7.6 Oceans Policy
7.7 Marine Invasive Species
7.8 Marine Reserves
7.9 Conclusion
Study Guide
8. The Air
8.1 Climate
8.2 Climate Change
8.3 Monitoring and Managing Air quality
8.4 Greenhouse Gases
8.5 Energy
8.6 Conclusion
Study Guide
9. Urban Environment
9.1 Urban New Zealand
9.2 Cities and economic development
9.3 Local government planning
9.4 Urban structure and sustainability
9.5 Waste
9.6 Conclusion
Study Guide
10. Reflections and Prospects
10.1 What do others think?
10. 2 New environmentalism and the competition for ideas
10.3 New Zealand environment strengths and weaknesses
10.4 Prospects for green growth
10.5 Community and individual action
10.6 Keeping in touch
Study Guide
About the Author: Chris de Freitas is an associate professor in the School of Environment, University of Auckland and Martin Perry is an associate professor in the School of Management, Massey University (Wellington).