About the Book
Compiled from the Deseret News, Iron County Record, Washington County News & regional papers. Some of the names include: Allen, Allred, Alsop, Alvah, Anderson, Andrus, Atkins, Ballard, Barker, Barney, Barnhurst, Beacham, Beames, Beebe, Bleak, Bliss, Bohanan, Bronson, Brooks, Brown, Buchanan, Burke, Burt, Button, Church, Christian, Cornelius, Dalton, Dean, DeMill, Dennett, Dennell, Dodge, Draper, Duzett, Eager, Earl, Edward, Elder, Farnes, Field, Flanigan, Flynn, Gee, Gibson, Gifford, Goodale, Graff, Gubler, Hall, Hardy, Hartley, Haslam, Hastings, Hepworth, Hewitt, Higbee, Hilton, Hinton, Hirschi, Holohan, Hopkins, Humphries, Hunt, Hunter, Isom, Ivy, Jackson, Jennings, Jepson, Jones, Judd, Kemp, Langston, Lauritzen, Lee, Lemmons, Lemons, Lund, Maloney, Martineau, Matthews, McAllister, McConnell, McFate, McQuarrie, Miles, Millett, Morrell, Munford, Neagle, Ney, Nielson, Orson, Ott, Parker, Pate, Petty, Porter, Price, Protero, Ruesch, Russell, Sandburg, Sanders, Savage, Seemiller, Shiefer, Si(e)glar, Sorensen, Spendlove, Spilsbury, Stansworth, Stephems, Stirling, Squires, Stout, Stratton, Terry, Thompson, Tinney, Tuttle, Wakelin, Wallace, Webb, Welk, Wilcox, Wilson, Winder, Winsor, Wood, Woodbury, Workman, Wright These are taken from old newspapers and may not be a clear as we would like.