See below for English description.
Nicolas garde le but pour l'un des matchs de hockey les plus importants de la saison et voilà que la foule se met à hurler de tous bords, tous côtés. Chacun y va de ses conseils et de ses exigences. C'est étourdissant! Nicolas et ses coéquipiers sont décontenancés. Heureusement, Nicolas a plus d'un tour dans son sac et trouve une façon astucieuse de résoudre le problème.
With advice flying at him from all sides, Nicolas devises his own clever strategy for facing the best hockey team in the league -- and winning the championship game!
Nicolas has his parents, his coach, the other spectators, even his sister doling out advice on how to take on the top team in the hockey league. But all their cheering and all that information is stressing Nicolas and his teammates out. Between periods, Nicolas comes up with an ingenious plan to save the day -- and stop every shot on goal! When he shares his winning strategy with the rest of his team, they can't help but come out on top.
Title in English: The Big Game
About the Author: Gilles Tibo a ?crit et illustr? plus d'une centaine de livres pour enfants dont les populaires s?ries d'albums Simon et les livres mettant en vedette l'adorable Nicolas. Il a re?u plusieurs prix prestigieux dont deux prix du Gouverneur G?n?ral et deux prix du livre Mr. Christie. Il habite Montr?al, au Qu?bec. Bruno St-Aubin est un des piliers de la litt?rature jeunesse de chez nous. ? ce jour, il a ?crit ou illustr? pr's de 130 albums et romans pour enfants. Aux ?ditions Scholastic, Bruno a cr les illustrations de Gabi la ballerine, ?crit par Joan Betty Stuchner et des livres ? succ's mettant en vedette l'adorable Nicolas. Il a aussi publi?, ? titre d'auteur-illustrateur, Le panache du grand Georges. Bruno vit ? Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, au Qu?bec.
Gilles Tibo has written and illustrated more than a hundred books, including the popular Simon series, and the book featuring the adorable Nicolas. He has received top honours for his work, winning two Governor General's Award and two Mr. Christie's Book Awards. He lives in Montreal, Quebec.
Bruno St-Aubin has been creating books since 1988. He has written and illustrated George's Antlers (Le panache du grand Georges). He has also illustrated Sadie the Ballerina (Gabi la ballerine) by Joan Betty Stuchner and all the books featuring the popular Nicolas. Bruno lives in Quebec.