Part I Non-coding RNAs: biology and implications in colorectal cancer pathogenesis
1. Non-coding RNAs: classification, biology and functioning
2. Involvement of non-coding RNAs in hallmarks and key signaling pathways of colorectal cancer
3. MicroRNAs and inflammation in colorectal cancer
4. Interplay between transcription factors and microRNAs regulating epithelial-mesenchymal transitions in colorectal cancer
5. Non-coding RNAs functioning in colorectal cancer stem cells
6. MicroRNA Methylation in Colorectal Cancer
7. Polymorphisms in non-coding RNA genes and their targets sites as risk factors of sporadic colorectal cancer
Part II Non-coding RNAs: new class of biomarkers in colorectal cancer
8. Non-coding RNAs as biomarkers for colorectal cancer screening and early detection 9. Circulating non-coding RNAs as biomarkers in colorectal cancer
10. Non-coding RNAs enabling prognostic stratification and prediction of therapeutic response in colorectal cancer patients
Part III Non-coding RNAs: therapeutic targets and colorectal cancer therapeutics
11. Involvement of non-coding RNAs in chemo- and radioresistance of colorectal cancer
12. Non-coding RNAs: therapeutic strategies and delivery systems
13. MicroRNAs as therapeutic targets and colorectal cancer therapeutics
About the Author: Ondrej Slaby obtained his PhD degree in Oncology at the Faculty of Medicine at Masaryk University in 2008, and Associate Professor of Biochemistry degree at the Faculty of Science at Masaryk University in Brno in 2012. He is currently working as scientific secretary at the Masaryk Memorial Cancer Institute in Brno and research group leader (Molecular Oncology II) at the Central European Institute of Technology (CEITEC) at Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic. Dr. Slaby has published extensively in the area of non-coding RNAs. He published more than sixty impacted papers and three scientific monographs. His main research interests are in the non-coding RNAs significance in solid cancer and their translational potential in diagnostics and as the therapeutic targets (Sum of the times cited: 1930, h-index 23). Dr. Slaby is a member of American Association of Cancer Research, European Association for Cancer Research, European Society for Translational Medicine, Czech Society of Oncology, Czech Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (member of FEBS), and others. In 2009, dr. Slaby founded Cancer Biology Section of Czechoslovak Biological Society and in 2012 co-founded Neurooncological Section of Czech Oncological Society. In 2010 and 2012 received Award of Czech Oncological Society, in 2014 Award for Medical Research of Czech Minister of Health. He is a member of the editorial board of the World Journal of Gastroenterology, World journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology, Biomarker Research and Clinical Oncology. As a peer-reviewer collaborates with a number of respected scientific journals from the field, for instance Cancer Research, Science Reports, International Journal of Cancer, British Journal of Cancer, European Journal of Cancer, PLoS ONE, Cancer Letters, Oncology, Expert Review of Molecular Diagnostics, Biomarkers in Medicine, Current Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine, Human Pathology, etc. and several international grant agencies (Association of International Cancer Research, HRB Irelnd, WellcomeTrust, ZonMw, etc.) and charities.