Nonlinear Filtering covers linear and nonlinear filtering in a comprehensive manner, with appropriate theoretic and practical development. Aspects of modeling, estimation, recursive filtering, linear filtering, and nonlinear filtering are presented with appropriate and sufficient mathematics. A modeling-control-system approach is used when applicable, and detailed practical applications are presented to elucidate the analysis and filtering concepts. MATLAB routines are included, and examples from a wide range of engineering applications - including aerospace, automated manufacturing, robotics, and advanced control systems - are referenced throughout the text.
About the Author: Jitendra R. Raol, Ph.D., is an Emeritus Professor at the Ramaiah Institute of Technology in Bangalore, India. He previously served at the National Aerospace Laboratories (NAL), as Scientist-G and head of the Flight Mechanics and Control Division (FMCD). He was elected a fellow of the IEE (UK), was a senior member of the IEEE (US), is a life-fellow of the Aeronautical Society of India, and a life member of the System Society of India.
Mrs. Dr. Girija, G. is a former senior scientist from CSIR-NAL, Bangalore. She was selected to participate in the Science Technology & Innovation Policy (STIP) Executive Education Program at the John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, USA sponsored by the Indo-US Science & Technology Forum (IUSSTF), April 8-23, 2008.
Professor Bhekisipho Twala is a professor of artificial intelligence and statistical sciences, and head of the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Science at the Johannesburg University, South Africa.