About the Book
This 240-plus pages Truth-Recovered and Spiritually-Illumined book is the FIRST of three books derived from the author's master volume, The Divine Plan Revealed! OCPD Scrupulosity Banishment Edition: The Total Assurance OCPD People Must Have to Abandon Scrupulosity and Become Spiritually at Peace! This first component book will shatter OCPD shackles of the mind (to those open and receptive to its Message) and will abolish OCPD unfounded, tormenting fears - forevermore! It does this by successfully addressing virtually ALL OCPD concerns, worries, anxieties, confusions, doubts, apprehensions, guilt, preoccupations, and even 'terrors' the OCPD scruples-obsessed person is likely to endure. Foundational Scriptural proofs are presented in easy-to-understand, every-day, layman's language, unencumbered by obscure technical theological terms and complicated erudite definitions best left to the 'Ivory-towered' Biblical scholars and 'Reclusive researchers'. But, know this: Of a certainty, you WILL find ALL that you seek here - and MORE, relative to mentally-satisfying, heart-comforting, soul-reassuring, and Spirit witness-bearing Truth Teachings concerning our Creator's Ultimate, Depths of His Heart of Love, Unchanging Intentions toward every single solitary individual who has ever lived, now lives, or will yet live. Therefore, begin your healing-, liberating-, and soul-thrilling journey, now, with Book 1. For perhaps in no other place can you find writings such as the author's crystal-clear, brilliant, and captivating manner and style, as presented herein! The Saviour declared: 'You SHALL know the Truth, and the Truth shall - set you FREE!' (John 8:32). And that, in addition to anything else, means FREE from all OCPD obsessions and compulsions as they relate to religious/spiritual and/or ethical/moral matters! May you, then, dear heart, avail yourself of ALL God intends for you to have through these unique and seldom-heard fundamental OCPD scrupulosity-relevant concepts and Messages of God's Healing Grace and Life-Liberating Truth! For such teaching is priceless (as it is so scarce!) - and beyond compare! Expect to be Joyously Surprised! Immensely Relieved! and - Gratefully Astounded! - At what EXCEEDINGLY Great and Precious Teachings are HERE, known to so few! - but especially unknown to, and so greatly needed by, the OCPD-fettered and heart-bound person (II Peter 1:4). A recent testimony: 'My OCPD situation is MUCH better now compared to the state we were in last year. I purchased three of your books which were of GREAT HELP along with the GRACE of God. I sincerely appreciate your reply. Respectfully, Ms. Ann, Attorney at Law.' May God's Blessings and OCPD Deliverance, which awaits you, here - be YOURS! (PS: Since 2014, Mack's OCPD writings are being offered by New York's award-winning Northwell Health Care System at their OCD Center as an adjunct to patients seeking education and/or treatment for OCPD.) VITAL NOTE: Of the author's OCPD books whose main title is: OCPD's Certain Antidote to the Fear of God! - Respective subtitles are as follows: The Plain Bible Truth to Banish OCPD Scruples, Secure in His Love - at Last! (Book 1) which is showcased above, The Plain Bible Truth to Banish OCPD Scruples - Safe in His Faithfulness - Always! (Book 2), and The Plain Bible Truth to Banish OCPD Scruples - Saved Beyond - All Doubt! (Book 3), which complete this three-part scrupulosity series. With the combining of these three mentally, shackle-shattering - and emotionally, fear-abolishing books, you have what amounts to an extensive, yet stream-lined, college course curriculum on religious scrupulosity at levels 101, 201, and 301, designed to address ALL OCPD religious aspects and considerations. Author's PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS: Member - IOCDF; Member - NAMI; Benefactor -Columbia University New York State Psychiatric Institute (NYSPI), OCD Research Center; Contributor -NIMH; and Donator - The Mental Illness Resear
About the Author: Mack W. Ethridge is the Originator and President of New Frontier Health Research, Inc. (focusing solely upon OCPD investigation; including direct study, observation, and interview; and innovative treatment and cure protocols), as well as Founder and Operational Director of Mercy Rose Ministries, Intl. (restoring lost, little-understood, and/or forgotten Truths of Scripture to laity and clergy, alike). And with the Knowledge gained in these respective positions, over a period of many years, he has acquired UNPRECEDENTED and wholly UNIQUE Insight into the complex, and often exasperating nature of the phenomenon of OCPD scrupulosity; setting him well apart from other researchers/authors, who do not share such a heightened, concerted focus on two divergent, yet critically, mutually-informing fields. But, more importantly, Mack has pioneered and developed the certain methods to overcome religious scrupulosity - once and for all - which, unfortunately, grievously torment numerous highly-sensitive, OCPD-prone, precious souls. His original, and ongoing, research findings (now formulated into seventeen (17) user-friendly, though of high academic quality, books) continue to enlighten and free OCPD beleaguered people around the world, every day; while ongoing research is continually conducted by himself, with assistance from his dedicated NFHR staff and Mercy Rose Ministries helpers. SPECIAL NEW BOOK ANNOUNCEMENT! Mack's current project is authoring a book on Messages of Encouragement specifically designed for the recovering OCPD Heart. You, dear one, presently struggling so valiantly, yet unsuccessfully and fruitlessly, against the torments of OCPD, were NEVER meant to go through Life bereft of Hope, barren of Faith, and devoid of Love, feeling defeated and worthless, fearful and without purpose. For as a highly gifted and masterfully eloquent teacher has said, 'Being created in the Image of God, Your being was MEANT to reflect Greatness and Wholeness. When you eliminate the fear in your life (especially that of religious scruples), you will flow naturally toward that Greatness!' And in keeping with this great liberating and empowering Truth, this new book will provide mini-discourses on the central Life themes of Hope, Faith, and Love as they DIRECTLY relate to the OCPD scrupulosity person. And with this NEW, God-Inspired, vital Understanding, Life's True Riches, those of Joy, Peace, Fulfillment, Contentment, Heart-felt Gratitude, and Inner Security, will be yours!