1. Optics
general optics
optical physics
optical instrumentation
metrology design and techniques
vision, colour and visual optics
adaptive optics holography
surface optics
optical microscopy
biomedical optics
2. Photonics
nonlinear phenomena
electo-optics quantum dots
photonics for energy
optical amplifiers and switching silicon photonics
optical signal processing
integrated optics
ultrafast phenomena
3. Optical Materials optical featured materials and characterization
semiconductor based optical materials
optical energy harvesting materials methamaterials
nanophotonic materials and 2D optical materials
optical glassesorganic and bio-photonic devices
imaging devices
photorefractive materials
thin film optics.
4. Optical Devices and Systems
optical photonic and optoelectronic devices
optical storage devices displays and imaging devices
micro optical devices
optical MEMS waveguides, fiber optics design and fabrication technologies
polymer fibers
optical sensing and sensors
5. Lasers and Plasmas
high field phenomena lasing
high intensity lasers
ultrafast laser systems
laser spectroscopies and lasers for industry and medical applications
plasma physics
technologies and applications
plasma beams and filaments plasma medical applications
About the Author: Paulo Ribeiro received the PhD degree in Materials Sciences and Engineering by Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil. He is Professor at Department of Physics of NOVA School of Science and Technology of Universidade Nova de Lisboa, since 2000, where he has been dedicated to lecturing applied optics and photonics and organizing didactic sessions and expositions in the field of optical sciences. He is college ambassador since 2016. He is founding member, in 2008, of the Functional Molecular Systems research Group at Centre of Physics and Technological Research of NOVA School of Science and Technology of Universidade Nova de Lisboa, where he is engaged in the development and characterization of thin films of organic functional molecules for applications in optics and photonics. Since 2013 is conference chair of PHOTOPTICS, an international conference series on photonics, optics and laser technology. As a result of his research activities garnered about one hundred papers and communications in international journals and conferences, half of which published in international peer review journals.
Maria Raposo received the PhD degree in Materials Sciences and Engineering by Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil in 1999 and, since 2000, is professor at Physics Department of Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, lecturing Solid State Physics, Surface and Interfaces Technology, Conducting Polymers, Molecular Electronics and Physics of Functional Macromolecular Systems. Since 2008 is head of the Functional Molecular Systems group which research interests include the electric and optical properties of ultra-thin films of polymers and biomolecules, interfaces and nanotechnology, colloids, molecular architectures for electronics, photonics and magnetism, biomimetic membranes and radiation effect in biological systems. She has over 100 research papers and 1 book to her name. She serves on Editorial Boards of internal journals and has been program chair of PHOTOPTICS, an international conference series on photonics, optics and laser technology.