Table of contents
Serial no. Chapter title Corresponding author's affiliation and email
1 Osmoprotectant-related genes in plants under abiotic stress: expression dynamics, in silico genome mapping, and biotechnology
Professor Éderson Akio Kido, Department of Genetics, Federal University of Pernambuco, Recife, PE, Brazil, email:
2 Proline metabolism and its functions in development and stress tolerance
Professor Maurizio Trovato, Department of Biology and Biotechnology, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy, email:
Professor Dietmar Funck, Department of Biology, University of Konstanz, Germany, email:
3 Regulation of proline accumulation and its molecular and physiological functions in stress defence
Professor Giuseppe Forlani, Laboratory of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, University of Ferrara, Italy, email:
Dr. Santiago Signorelli, KU Leuven, Belgium, email:
4 Exogenous proline-mediated abiotic stress tolerance in plants: possible mechanisms Professor Pascal LABROUSSE, Université de Limoges, France, email:
5 Biosynthesis and degradation of glycine betaine and its potential to control plant growth and development Dr. Elisa M. Valenzuela-Soto, Department of Food Sciences, Research Center for Food and Development A.C., Mexico, email:
6 Exogenous glycinebetaine-mediated modulation of abiotic stress tolerance in plants: possible mechanisms
Professor Xinghong Yang, Shandong Key Laboratory of Crop Biology, Shandong Agricultural University, Taian 271018, China, email:
7 Roles of endogenous glycinebetaine in plant abiotic stress responses
Professor Pirjo Mäkelä, Department of Agricultural Sciences, University of Helsinki, Finland; email:
8 Biosynthesis and degradation of trehalose, and its potential to control
plant growth, development and (a)biotic stress tolerance Professor Patrick Van Dijck, VIB Department of Molecular Microbiology, KU Leuven Laboratory of Molecular Cell Biology, Belgium, email:
9 Proline, glycinebetaine and trehalose uptake and inter-organ transport in plants under stress Professor Teruhiro Takabe, Research Institute, Meijo University, Nagoya, 468-8502, Japan, email:
10 Transgenic plants overexpressing trehalose biosynthetic genes and abiotic stress tolerance in plants Dr. Zsófia Bánfalvi, NARIC, Agricultural Biotechnology Institute, Szent-Györgyi A. u. 4., H-2100 Gödöllő, Hungary, e-mail:
11 The role of proline, glycine betaine and trehalose in stress responsive gene expression Professor Melike Bor, Department of Biology, Ege University, Turky, email:
12 Seed osmolyte priming and abiotic stress tolerance Dr. Joshua D. Klein, Institute for Plant Science, ARO-Volcani Center, Rishon LeZion, ISRAEL, email:
13 Relationship between polyamines and osmoprotectants in the response to salinity of the legume-rhizobia symbiosis
Professor Miguel López-Gómez, Universidad de Granada, spain, email:
14 Engineering polyamines metabolic pathways for abiotic stress tolerance in plants Dr. Susana Araújo, universidade Nova de Lisboa, Oeiras, Portugal, email:
15 Fructan metabolism in plant growth and development and stress tolerance
Professor Alejandro del Pozo, Universidad de Talca, Chile, email:
About the Author: Dr. Mohammad Anwar Hossain is a Professor in the Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh. He received his B.Sc. in Agriculture and M.S. in Genetics and Plant Breeding from Bangladesh Agricultural University, Bangladesh. He also received an M.S. in Agriculture from Kagawa University, Japan in 2008 and a Ph.D. in Abiotic Stress Physiology and Molecular Biology from Ehime University, Japan in 2011 through Monbukagakusho scholarship. As a JSPS postdoctoral researcher he has worked on isolating low phosphorus stress tolerant genes from rice at the university of Tokyo, Japan during the period of 2015-2017. His current research interests include the isolation and characterization of abiotic stress responsive genes and proteins, physiological and molecular mechanisms of abiotic stress response and tolerance with special reference to oxidative stress, antioxidants and methylglyoxal metabolism and signaling, generation of stress tolerant and nutrient efficient plants through breeding and biotechnology and cross-stress tolerance in plants. He has over 50 peer-reviewed publications and has edited 9 books, including this one, published by CRC press, Springer, and Elsevier.
Dr. Vinay Kumar is an Associate Professor in the Department of Biotechnology, Modern College, Ganeshkhind, Pune, India and a Visiting Faculty at the Department of Environmental Sciences, Savitribai Phule University, Pune, India. He obtained his Ph.D. in Biotechnology from Savitribai Phule Pune University (Formerly University of Pune) in 2009. For his Ph.D., he worked on metabolic engineering of rice for improved salinity tolerance. He has published 40 peer reviewed research/ review articles, edited 4 books, including this one, published by Springer and Wiley. He is a recipient of Young Scientist Award of Science and Engineering Board, Government of India. His current research interests include elucidating molecular mechanisms underlying salinity stress responses and tolerance in plants.
Dr. David J. Burritt is an Associate Professor in the Department of Botany, The University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand. He received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. (hons) in Botany, and his Ph.D. in Plant Biotechnology from The University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand. His research interests include oxidative stress and redox biology, plant based foods and bioactive molecules, plant breeding and biotechnology, cryopreservation of germplasm, and the stress biology of plants, animals and algae. He has over 100 peer-reviewed publications and has edited 4 books for Springer and 3 for Elsevier.
Dr. Masayuki Fujita is a Professor in the Department of Plant Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Kagawa University, Kagawa, Japan. He received his B.Sc. in Chemistry from Shizuoka University, Shizuoka, and his M.Agr. and Ph.D. in Plant Biochemistry from Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan. His research interests include physiological, biochemical and molecular biological responses based on secondary metabolism in plants under biotic (pathogenic fungal infection) and abiotic (salinity, drought, extreme temperatures and heavy metals) stresses; phytoalexin, cytochrome P-450, glutathione S-transferase, phytochelatin and redox reaction and antioxidants. He has over 150 peer-reviewed publications and has edited 10 books including this one.
Dr. Pirjo Mäkelä is a Professor in the Department of Agricultural Sciences, University of Helsinki, Finland. She received her MSc and PhD in Crop Science from the University of Helsinki, Finland. Her research interests includes physiological, biochemical, and agronomical responses of plants to abiotic stresses, such as water deficit and salinity, as well as ways to minimize the effects of abiotic stresses on yield formation and quality of yield. She is also interested in active learning in higher education. She has over 70 peer-reviewed publications and she has edited 3 books including this one.