When Michael Howard and Brian Curtis meet at Oxford University, the two men form an immediate friendship. Upon graduation, Brian's skill with European languages lands him a job in the foreign office, while Michael and his new bride, Angela, travel to Poland to spend a year teaching English.
The Howards' timing couldn't be worse. On September 1, 1939, German forces overrun Poland. In the chaos, Michael and Angela are separated. While Michael finds his way home to England, Angela is taken captive and imprisoned in an international camp for women.
Seeking revenge and convinced England will aid Poland, Michael enlists as a commando. Excelling throughout his intensive training, he finds himself transferred to a newly formed unit: the Special Air Service (SAS).
As a member of the SAS, Michael can hit back at the Nazis, wreaking havoc behind enemy lines and helping turn the tide of the war. Haunted by the possibility his wife will become another victim of the carnage he sees on his missions, Michael will have no peace until he either reunites with Angela or knows her fate. Either way, Michael and Angela will never be able to reclaim their lost years.
About the Author: Born in Twickenham, Middlesex, England, Michael Hope obtained a Higher National Certificate of education from Twickenham Technical College before embarking on a five-year apprenticeship program in mechanical engineering.
Hope formed his own design company after completing his apprenticeship. Originally working on commissions from the industrial world, he found his talents increasingly sought after by the entertainment industry. This sparked over twenty-five years of engineering projects and special effects for theatre, television, and feature films.
Now in semiretirement, Hope has turned to writing. To date, he has published four children's books and two novels.
Hope lives in Freiburg, Germany, on the edge of the Black Forest, with his wife and two cats.