Army Survival Manual: "Survival planning is nothing more than realizing that something could happen that would put you in a survival situation and, with that realization, taking steps to increase your chance of survival. In other words, survival planning is Being Prepared."
In the Out Of Harm's Way books we assume that the U.S. has suffered a national catastrophic event, an event of such magnitude that will destroy or severely cripple the U.S. national infrastructure. It is our goal to help you prepare for such an event.
The Out Of Harm's Way books are not what you would normally consider a Survival book. Usually when you think of a survival book you think of a book that will explain how to survive short term. How to survive by starting a fire by rubbing two sticks together, eating bugs and grubs or how to make a snow shelter. In other words, how to live in primitive situation using primitive methods.
The Out Of Harm's Way books explain how to prepare to survive long term with your family or Group. It explains how by being prepared you can survive in a primitive situation using modern tools and technology; not only surviving, but surviving in relative comfort. Unlike other survival books, which look at one or two people surviving for a few hours or days, the Out Of Harm's Way Books explain how to survive long term with a family or Group.
Out Of Harm's Way 1 - Goes into detail on the national catastrophic events the U.S. Government is preparing for.
- Explains how and why you should prepare your family for long-term survival.
- Explains how to bring together like minded Folks to form a survival Group.
- Explains why you should have an isolated evacuation point with supplies cached.
- Explains how to get to your evacuation point after a catastrophic event.
- Explains what supplies you should have cached.
- Explains how to survive in a primitive situation with modern technology, tools and supplies.
- Explains how to set up and survive in a temporary camp while building permanent shelters.
- Explains how to provide for your family or Group by, hunting, fishing, trapping and gardening.
These books are comprised not only of Articles by the Author but also excerpts from books written a hundred or more years ago. After all, the only people who have actually lived through a long term survival situation as we will be facing are our Ancestors and Native Americans. No one in modern times, that I am aware of, has live in a long term survival situation. Many so called Survivalist have survived only in a "controlled survival situation" at this they were only short term survival situations. Long term survival is a totally different situation, especially when there are young, old, men and women involved. The pioneers lived, survived and prospered through many of the same situations we would be facing. Our Ancestors who lived through the Great Depression also faced many of the hardships we will have to contend with in a catastrophic event. We will be looking closely and studying the ways our ancestors lived in 1800's to the early 1900's and into the years of the Great Depression.
About the Author: Kenneth Nunn is a Vietnam era Veteran with six years active duty, four years in the U.S. Navy and two years in the U.S. Coast Guard. Kenneth has worked and traveled extensively throughout the U.S. He has been through two NBC (Nuclear, Biological and Chemical warfare) schools, firefighting school and is a certified First Aid Provider. He has camped in virtually every type of environment to be found in the U.S. from the desert country of the Big Bend to the swamps of Louisiana, from the Smokey Mountains, throughout the Rockies and the Cascades. He has recently started a long term survival consulting service working with clients throughout the U.S. and the World. His client list includes 20th Century Fox and TNT. He is also busy researching for the Preparing To Survive website and book series. Kenneth is now living in Central Colorado with his family.