Preface 1: Introduction: The function of outdoor lighting 1.1 Why lighting outdoors? 1.2 Lighting engineering 1.3 The function of outdoor lighting 1.4 Cognitive aspects of vision 1.5 Tools and methods 1.6 Conclusions 2: Physical aspects of light production 2.1 The physics of light 2.2 General aspects of light production 2.3 Incandescence 2.4 Gas-discharge lamps 2.5 Semiconductor light. 2.6 Conclusions 3: Radiometry and photometry 3.1 Radiometry 3.2 Basic photometric concepts 3.3 Conclusions 4: The mathematics of luminance 4.1 The field concept 4.2 Some aspects of hydrodynamics 4.3 The luminance of real and virtual objects 4.4 The luminance of reflecting surfaces 4.5 Conclusions 5: Practical Photometry 5.1 General aspects of photometry 5.2 Traditional subjective photometry 5.3 Traditional objective photometry 5.4 Modern objective photometry 5.5 Conclusions 6: The human observer; physical and anatomical aspects of vision 6.1 The ability to see 6.2 The nervous system 6.3 The anatomy of the human visual system 6.4 The optical nerve tracts 6.5 Conclusions 7: The human observer; visual performance aspects 7.1 The functions of the human visual system 7.2 The sensitivity of the human visual system 7.3 Visual performance 7.4 The primary visual functions 7.5 Conclusions 8: The human observer; visual perception 8.1 Derived visual functions 8.2 Blinding glare 8.3 Disability glare 8.4 Discomfort glare 8.5 Conclusions 9: The human observer; colour vision 9.1 Colour aspects 9.2 Colour vision physiology 9.3 Colour metrics and colorimetry 9.4 The colour characteristics of light sources 9.5 Conclusions 10: Road lighting applications 10.1 Geometric optics 10.2 Luminaire design 10.3 Light pollution 10.4 Reflection properties of road surfaces 10.5 Conclusions 11: Roadlighting design 11.1 Design methods for road lighting installations11.2 Road lighting for developing countries 11.3 Simplified design methods 11.4 Conclusions References Subject Index
About the Author: Born 1931 in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, Duco Schreuder received his doctorate in 1964 at Eindhoven Technical University ("The lighting of vehicular traffic tunnels") and extended this with an MA in Philosophy (specialization psychology) at Haarlem International Institute in 1972.
Combining this unique overview of light studies and the human consequences of light technology he has extensive experience working with Lighting Laboratories, Philips, Eindhoven on research in vision and in lighting for roads, tunnels and vehicles.
From 1968 - 1993 he was a senior researcher with the Institute for Road Safety Research SWOV in Leidschendam in charge of the field of lighting and vision (signs, signals, road and vehicle lighting). Since 1993 he has worked as an independent consultant in the general fields of lighting and safety, studies on the theory of road accidents, road safety in developing countries, transport lighting, tunnel lighting, influence of weather and environment on road accidents, social safety and lighting, crime and lighting, traffic lights and signals, road markings, lighting and astronomy, environmental impact of lighting.
He is the author and coauthor of several books and well over 300 scientific publications, mainly on traffic, lighting, vision, road safety and related areas.
He has held Chairmanship of a large number of national and international institutions and working groups, particularly in the Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage CIE, in the Centre Europenne de Normalisation CEN and in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development OECD on areas of road and tunnel lighting, vehicle lighting, signing and signalling in road traffic, road accidents and road safety, public safety and light pollution.
He is an internationally recognised expert in these fields.