The town of Seaside, Oregon, isn't very big. It boasts sixty-five hundred full-time residents but gains an enormous boost in population every summer. Thousands of tourists flock to its beaches, restaurants, and art galleries.
Gloria Stiger Linkey, Seacove Publishers, is a historian and tour guide of the town. She takes readers through Seaside's origins as a summer resort town in the 1940s to the thriving tourist attraction it is today.
Linkey's historical research conjures up beautiful images of the original 1940s town, where people could walk on the "Prom," go to the state-of-the-art aquarium, and watch Lone Ranger serials at one of Seaside's two movie houses. At that point in its history, Seaside had twenty-five hundred residents, but the number would swell to twenty-five thousand during the summer months.
While Linkey preserves Seaside's past, she also shows how the town has grown and changed for the better. She shows how Seaside's government and chamber of commerce changed the town's status from a summer resort point to a tourist town that operates all twelve months of the year. Seaside's economic development is a perfect case study on the establishment of resort towns and the tourism industry.
About the Author: Gloria Stiger Linkey, Seacove Publishers, moved back to her hometown after spending forty years in the insurance industry.
Linkey received as associate's degree in business administration. She now works as an adjunct instructor at Clatsop College, where she teaches publishing and marketing. Linkey is also a historian, speaker, author, and tour guide. She is proud of her little town of Seaside and is very well versed in its history.
Linkey has written two other books: Native American Women: Three Who Changed History and Abby Rescues Animals. She has two daughters and a rescue cat.