"The ladies and gentlemen in this book are lost in translation. Some of them are recognized outranspians (since I recognized them). If oulipians are 'les rats qui construisent le labyrinthe dont ils se proposent de sortir, ' the works that comprise this book, the writers that generated them 'sont perdus dans Babel sans idée d'en sortir.' A decisive and entertaining way of tilting at the windmills of a number of different languages."
- Paul Fournel
DW does Paris.
This collection approaches the theme of interacting/interactions with language(s) that, across the contributors who are French speakers, English speakers, English/French speakers, has developed in myriad diverging ways. Impossible translation, engine translation, dictionary work, 'resistant reading'; text as physical medium. Also artistic discourse on language itself, what it's for, what it does; how it forms us, how it perhaps constrains us. As too interactions with it in life and everyday settings, how it might get in the way, or fall apart, help or hinder. With, among the contributors, writers of prose, essay, poetry alongside conceptual artists, as too members of the Oulipo and Outranspo, DW Paris is a diverse showcase of Paris-centred experimental and innovative literature in 2019.
Parisis edited by Andrew Hodgson, and contains contributions by:
Camille Bloomfield, Amalie Brandt, Chris Clarke, Gaia Di Lorenzo, Craig Dworkin, Lauren Elkin, Andrew Gallix, Eric Giraudet de Boudemange, Stewart Home, Ian Monk, Yelena Moskovich, Olivier Salon, Philipp Timischl.
"Paris est tout à fait excitant et original: il explore des voies et fait entendre des voix nouvelles et inattendues."
- Marcel Bénabou