About the Book
Part I Dispersion in environmental flows; Sand motion induced by oscillatory flows: sheet flow and vortex ripples, by Jan S. Ribberink, Jebbe J. van der Werf, Tom O'Donoghue; Sediment transport, ripple dynamics and object burial under shoaling waves, by S.I.Voropayev, F.Y.Testik, H.J.S.Fernando, S. Balasubramanian; On the influence of suspended sediment transport on the generation of offshore sand waves, by Fenneke van der Meer, Suzanne J.M.H. Hulscher, Joris van den Berg; Sediment transport by coherent structures in a turbulent open channel flow experiment, by W.A. Breugem, W.S.J. Uijttewaal; Transport and mixing in the stratosphere: the role of Lagrangian studies, by Bernard Legras, Francesco d'Ovidio; Numerical modeling of heat and water vapor transport through the interfacial boundary layer into a turbulent atmosphere, by A.S.M. Gieske; Stromatactic patterns formation in geological sediments: field observations versus experiments, by Jindrich Hladil, Marek Ruzicka; Part II Lagrangian statistics, simulation and experiments of turbulent dispersion; Anomalous diffusion in rotating stratified turbulence, by Yoshi Kimura, Jackson R. Herring; Geometry and statistics in homogeneous isotropic turbulence, by Aurore Naso, Alain Pumir; Refined vorticity statistics of decaying rotating threedimensional turbulence, by L.J.A. van Bokhoven, C. Cambon, L. Liechtenstein, F.S. Godeferd, H.J.H. Clercx; Lagrangian passive scalar intermittency in marine waters: theory and data analysis, by Franücois G. Schmitt, Laurent Seuront; Compositional and particulate gravity currents: a computational investigation, by V. K. Birman, E. Meiburg; The effect of stable stratification on fluid particle dispersion, by M. van Aartrijk, H.J.H. Clercx; DNS of particle-laden flow over a backward facing step at a moderate Reynolds number, by A. Kubik, L. Kleiser; Stochastic modeling of fluid velocity seen by heavy particles for two-phase LES of non-homogeneous and anisotropic turbulent flows, byAbdallah S. Berrouk, Dominique Laurence, James J. Riley, David E. Stock; DNS study of local-equilibrium models in dilute particle-laden turbulent pipe flows, by A.M.P. Boelens, L.M. Portela; Numerical particle tracking studies in a turbulent round jet, by Giordano Lipari, David D. Apsley, Peter K. Stansby; Acceleration and velocity statistics of Lagrangian particles in turbulence, by Guido Boffetta; Numerical studies of viscous effects for particle fluxes to perfectly absorbing spherical surfaces in turbulent environments: biological applications, by H. L. Pecseli, J. Trulsen; 3D acoustic Lagrangian velocimetry, by M. Bourgoin, P. Gervais, A. Cartellier, Y. Gagne, C. Baudet; Lagrangian multi-particle statistics; Beat Luthi, Jacob Berg, Soren Ott and Jakob Mann; Simultaneous measurements of the fluid and the solid phases in homogeneous turbulence: preliminary results at Rel = 250, by Michele Guala, Alexander Liberzon, Klaus Hoyer, Arkady Tsinober, Wolfgang Kinzelbach; Laboratory model of two-dimensional polar beta-plane turbulence, by G.F. Carnevale, A. Cenedese, S. Espa, M. Mariani; Lagrangian particle tracking in high Reynolds number turbulence, by Kelken Chang, Nicholas T. Ouellette, Haitao Xu, and Eberhard Bodenschatz; Part III Heavy particles, aggregation and patterns in turbulence; Lagrangian dispersion in coastal applications, by Guido Lupieri, Stefano Salon, Vincenzo Armenio; Influence of Coriolis forces on turbidity currents and sediment deposition, by M.G. Wells; A stochastic model for large eddy simulation of a particle-laden turbulent flow, by Christian Gobert, Katrin Motzet, Michael Manhart; 1 Aggregate formation in 3D turbulent-like flows, by A. Domõnguez, M. van Aartrijk, L. Del Castello, H.J.H. Clercx; Influence of the turbulence structure on the particle sedimentation in wall-bounded flows, by M. Cargnelutti, L.M. Portela; Mean and variance of the velocity of solid particles in turbulence, by Peter Nielsen; The turbulent rotational phase