Hey, it's me, Van! Teacher, mom of 3, and, at the time this book was written, a PLPC (Provisionally Licensed Professional Counselor). I love teaching kids about emotions, empathy, and self-compassion - things I'm constantly working on with my own kids (and myself) too.
This is a companion book to Playful Prompts for Peaceful Kids. When I use the term "peaceful", I don't mean it in the traditional sense. I don't mean kids won't ever have difficult emotions or feel dysregulated or that their behavior will always be perfect. It's also not about striving for constant happiness or stifling their struggles with "calm down!" It's about creating space so they can experience their ups and downs with acceptance instead of shame and self-judgment, riding the waves instead of overidentifying with their bad days.
My intent with this book is to help kids and caregivers learn more about emotions and how we experience, accept, and manage the full spectrum of feelings. By helping kids embrace their inner world in a safe, nonjudgmental way (and doing so ourselves), we help them develop self-regulation, empathy, resilience, kindness, self-compassion, and authenticity to last a lifetime. And when kids feel safe in who they are and the people around them, the possibilities are endless.
In this book, I have intentionally included information at various levels so it can be used by kids of all ages. Younger kids might start with just the pictures and emotion words on the "I feel..." page, but even the youngest learners will benefit from the discussions that arise here. Some parts may use abstract language that might not be suitable for all kids, and that's okay. There also might be more info than you're looking for or not enough. I encourage you to take what's helpful, leave the rest behind, and don't let your learning end here.
With love, warmth, & many thanks,