''There is the know-how of starting the journey of a new year, without, not! Having the knowledge in the scripture of God, how to start from God endowments that will enable and guide one to every tremendous glory that has been endowed by God in each season of the year.
A New Year! Has, its own glory and endowment of God in the New Year. But the knowledge of God that one has been able to be impacted within the words of God is what enables one to every tremendous glory that is in the season of the year.
Starting a new year? Is like an athlete that is many in a competition, for achieving the glory that is at the end of a race! Every athlete that is in the competition from the beginning has within them to achieve at the end of such a race.
''Starting a new year is like an athlete that is MANY in a race.
Everyone has their own mechanism that is capable to help one to finish strong and to be the one that will be crowned as the best runner after the ending of a race has been achieved.
But not everyone that started a race, finished as the top runner, is only the few that has been able to understand the general information that surrounds what they are into. But to some? It does not properly carry out by them.
''Preparation to the ending of a race.
Preparation is the main element, that differential between the top runner and the many. The top runner understood that! Without not properly trained or doing other duties that surround their competition? Achieving success will only be a history that they will always be wanting to share at any season of the year. Understanding the elements, by the top runner? Enables them to share their testimony and live successfully. Other elements that differentiate between the top runner and the many are included in the Book.
In other words, a study has been shown, about NASA's latest discovery, on x Plant, which is also known as plant nine. Which will happen on the 23rd of September 2017, and what it will course in human history. Also a study into some elements that will enable the peculiar to overcome its appearances, if it occurred.
Such as human consciences, humans unconsciousness, not being careful, being careful, Phenomenology, God's creation master plan, Sound of an event that is horrible. Total defeat, saying it wrong, saying it right, your coach, and your future. Meanwhile, a study into success which involved?
- Academic
- Investment
- Business
- Projected materialisation
- Achieving at the ending of a projected materialisation. Are all the mechanisms that form the peculiar.