Part I Approaches to Collaboratively Constructed Language Resources.- 1.Using Games to Create Language Resources: Successes and Limitations of the Approach. J.Chamberlain, K.Fort, U.Kruschwitz, M.Lafourcade and M.Poesio.- 2.Senso Comune: A Collaborative Knowledge Resource for Italian. Al.Oltramari, G.Vetere, I.Chiari, E.Jezek, F.M.Zanzotto, M.Nissim, and A.Gangemi.- 3.Building Multilingual Language Resources in Web Localisation: A Crowdsourcing Approach. A.Wasala, R.Schäler, J.Buckley, R.Weerasinghe and C.Exton. - 4.Reciprocal Enrichment Between Basque Wikipedia and Machine Translation.- I.Alegria, U.Cabezon, U.Fernandez de Betoño, G.Labaka, A.Mayor, K.Sarasola and A.Zubiaga.- Part II Mining Knowledge From and Using Collaboratively Constructed Language Resources.- 5.A Survey of NLP Methods and Resources for Analyzing the Collaborative Writing Process in Wikipedia. O.Ferschke, J.Daxenberger and I.Gurevych.- 6.ConceptNet 5: A Large Semantic Network for Relational Knowledge. R.Speer and C.Havasi.- 7.An Overview of BabelNet and its API for Multilingual Language Processing. R.Navigli and S.P.Ponzetto.- 8.Hierarchical Organization of Collaboratively Constructed Content. J.Yu, Z-J.Zha, and T-S.Chua.- 9.Word Sense Disambiguation using Wikipedia. B.Dandala, R.Mihalcea, and R.Bunescu.- Part III Interconnecting and Managing Collaboratively Constructed Language Resources.- 10.An Open Linguistic Infrastructure for Annotated Corpora. N.Ide.- 11.TowardsWeb-Scale Collaborative Knowledge Extraction. S.Hellmann, S. Auer.- 12.Building a Linked Open Data Cloud of Linguistic Resources: Motivations and Developments. C.Chiarcos, S.Moran, P.N.Mendes, S.Nordhoff, R.Littauer.- 13.Community Efforts around the ISOcat Data Category Registry. S.E.Wright, M.Windhouwer, I.Schuurman, M.Kemps-Snijders.- Index.
About the Author: Iryna Gurevych leads the UKP Lab in the Department of Computer Science of the Technische Universität Darmstadt (UKP-TUDA) and at the Institute for Educational Research and Educational Information (UKP-DIPF) in Frankfurt, Germany. She holds an endowed Lichtenberg-Chair "Ubiquitous Knowledge Processing" of the Volkswagen Foundation. Her research in NLP primarily concerns applied lexical semantic algorithms, such as computing semantic relatedness of words or paraphrase recognition, and their use to enhance the performance of NLP tasks, such as information retrieval, question answering, or summarization.
Jungi Kim is a postdoctoral researcher at UKP Lab in the Department of Computer Science of the Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany (UKP-TUDA). His primary research interests are in semantic resources, algorithms, and evaluations for multilingual natural language processing. His previous research includes multilingual sentiment analysis, statistical machine translation, and various NLP topics involving multiple languages, especially East Asian languages.