There was a point when they didn't think Nancy Spicer would live.
The year was 1981, and Nancy had been beaten nearly to death by her violent husband. It took three surgeries and a month of recovery for her to go home.
That month in the hospital helped Nancy physically recover from the attack, but she also had to mentally, emotionally, and spiritually recover from her husband's insidious and brutal abuse. But she wouldn't have to do it alone.
In this inspirational story, Nancy recounts how she asked God for help moving forward in her life. She was now a single mother with six children, including a nine-month-old baby. She needed to be strong for her kids, and she found that strength in the Lord. He was there for her in her darkest hours.
As you follow Nancy's journey through the years, you will be shocked by the dark traumas she went through and overjoyed by the recovery she made and the light she brought back into her life. Her story will remind anyone in any dark valley that with God's help and support, you will make it through to the other side.
About the Author: Nancy Spicer is a mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother. She loves the greenery of the great outdoors and enjoys standing in the rain, playing in the snow, and appreciating all God's creation.
Spicer also loves physics, eternal truths, and college football. She's an Oregon Ducks fan and recently made the leap to professional football fandom with the Tennessee Titans.
When she was fifty-three, Spicer went back to school and received her bachelor's degree in social work. She spent five years working with teenage girls at a mental institution. Spicer finds great joy in helping others, and she hopes that Permission to Heal can continue that work.