About the Book
Observing human life and the quest for meaning from a humanistic, existentialist perspective, the present book endeavours to formulate an answer to the question: "What is Perpetuum Mobile?" How do we use our individual unique awareness and experiences in the service of a global quest for meaning and purpose? As therapists with unique life experiences and professional practice experience with Viktor Frankl's Logotherapy, we employ a phenomenological hermeneutic inquiry, looking critically at texts we previously compiled and more recently presented, and discerning, inferring, and concluding our observations and their implications. Chapter One, is an interview between Maria Marshall, PhD, and Edward Marshall, PhD, entitled "Lessons about Life from the Experience of Migrants" which poses the initial question of the present book and puts it into a global perspective. Chapter Two, "A Lesson for Life" is an article by Maria Marshall, PhD, submitted to Mary Cimiluca for the website of the "Viktor and I" film, by Alexander Vesely [Web: http: //www.viktorandimovie.com/a-lesson-for-life. Last accessed 14/06/2014] and contains her experiences of searching for meaning as a teenager and young immigrant. Chapter Three, "Applications of Viktor Frankl's Meaning-oriented Therapy in Psychotherapy with Immigrants" was originally presented by Maria Marshall, PhD, at the International Conference on Transcultural Psychiatry, organised by the American Psychiatric Association, in 2000. Chapter Four, "'Entry'" into the 'Treasury' Requested: An Ontological Essay" is a brief writing by Maria Marshall, PhD, about the signs and symbols of the search for meaning in our modern world. Chapter Five, "The Nature of Counselling Relationships from the Perspective of Logotherapy" is an article by Maria Marshall, PhD which originally appeared in 1996 in the International Forum for Logotherapy. The presented chapter is the original and unabbreviated version. Chapter Six, "Existential Analysis and Its Application in Individual Therapy" first appeared as an article by Maria Marshall, PhD, entitled "A Four-Step Model of Logotherapy" in the International Forum for Logotherapy in 1997. This is an expanded and original version. Chapter Seven, "Evolving Personality: The Logotherapy Perspective" was presented by Edward Marshall, PhD, at the Second International Conference on the Future of Logotherapy, in Vienna, 20014. Chapter Eight, "Personality and Culture" is an article by Edward Marshall, PhD, about the relationship between the individual and the community in the search for meaning. Chapter Nine, "The Search for Meaning: Perpetuum Mobile" is a conceptual summary of the findings and applications of Viktor Frankl's Logotherapy in the process of personal growth with wisdom from the life experience of the authors.
About the Author: Maria Marshall, completed her Bachelor's Degree in Psychology with Honours at the University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada. She obtained her Master of Education Degree in Counselling and Human Development at Hardin-Simmons University, in Abilene, Texas, U.S.A. She completed her Doctoral Degree in Counselling Psychology at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada. Her Doctoral Dissertation was entitled "The Applications of Viktor E. Frankl's Logotherapy in Counselling Psychology." She studied Logotherapy and Existential Analysis with Elisabeth Lukas, PhD, one of the most know disciples of Viktor Frankl, MD, PhD, in Vienna, Austria. She practices psychotherapy in Canada. Edward Marshall, completed his Medical Degree at the University of Navarra, Spain, and practiced Family Medicine in the Canary Islands, Spain. His Doctor in Medicine and Surgery (Ph.D. in Neuroscience) Degree is from the University of La Laguna, Spain. His Doctoral Dissertation focused on the neurophysiology of the visual system. He completed his residency in psychiatry and earned his Post-graduate Diploma in Clinical Psychiatry at the University of Leeds, UK. He practiced as Psychiatrist at St. James' Psychiatric Hospital, Portsmouth, UK. Since moving to Canada, he has been practicing psychotherapy specializing in Viktor Frankl's Logotherapy and Existential Analysis.